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Does the concept of "consistency" really exist?

How many times do we come across a person who, we think, completes us? A perfect companion? A soulmate? Once maybe? The person who makes us forget who we are, our problems, our worries, our responsibilities, our anxieties, our pain. He walks in and each and every thing starts to fall into the right places. That person helps us live a better life, helps us to become a better version of ourselves. That person drowns into our soul, exploring all of our weaknesses and strengths; showering us with unconditional love and affection. Shows us the righteous path and encourages us to reach bigger goals.

Eventually one would learn that these things don't exist for real. Well, not in this world! We, at least once in our lives, do believe in this. It takes us to another level. We explore and extend our own limits, the limits that we didn't know ever existed, the limits we thought we’d never cross, the limits that we have always abide to.   . But it was too good to be true. Fairy Tales, perfect love, perfect relationships doesn’t happen in real life. But here we are, we humans always convince ourselves that our story will be different from others; that our love will be forever. But, FOREVER??? Is there any such thing? There is only one thing that is constant in life that ‘nothing is constant’, ‘nothing is permanent’, ‘nothing is FOREVER’. The universe is constantly changing. Change is deep engraved in the world we live in. “To evolve” is the basic rule.

We still torture our souls with the expectations we keep from the “idea of consistency”. In reality there is nothing more challenging than being consistent.  
