HINDUISM - known as the mother of other religions

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Everything happens for a reason...

Hinduism is regarded as the oldest religion existing in many parts of the world and specially in India. Major part of the Indian population comprises of the Hindu people. It is the world's 3rd largest religion with over the population of 1billion people following it. It is also called as SANATAN DHARMA  or VAIDIKA DHARMA 

Hinduism teaches many values to the people including : 

  • ‌Honesty
  • ‌Patience
  • ‌Forgiveness
  • ‌Self Control etc.

The main prospects Hinduism follows are ARTHA (work) , KARMA (Actions) , MOKSHA (salvation/ liberation from the cycle of births and deaths) , DHARMA (duties) , KAMA (desires). 

  • ‌Artha means one should do good work as an individual. 
  • ‌We should perform our actions by thinking about it's consequences called aa karma.
  • ‌When the sum of our good and bad karma's become zero a person can achieve moksha.
  • ‌Our duties towards the betterment of the society is termed as dharma.
  • ‌All our desires and passions are known to be kama. 

 Hinduism mainly focusses on rituals such as meditation, worshipping dieites, recitation of prayers and poems in the name of god, visiting to pilgrimages.

The main 4 pilgrimage of Hinduism are known as 4 Dhams which include: 

   1. Badrinath Dham

   2. Kedarnath Dham

   3. Yamunotri Dham

   4. Gangotri Dham

No one actually knows the exact date Hindusim was formed or time when people started preaching it. But no doubt the religion is thousands of years old. The main example of which includes the story of Ramayana and Mahabharata written by the sages Maharishi Valmiki and Maharishi Vyasa respectively. As per data recorded it is stated that the war of Kurukshetra in the holy book of Mahabharata happened around 5000 years ago which clearly states how old the religion is. All these story of wars just give one lesson that wrong can never win over what is right. These are the examples from which we should take inspiration and do something for the betterment of the society. Also it teaches us to fight for what is right and show that truth always wins and for that we should do something by our own as God helps those who helps themselves... . For more knowledge about the religion and the story what has happened thousands years ago one can refer to the books and can also read The BHAGAVAD GITA. It is one of the holy book of Hindu religion and also teaches morals and lessons for a person to become a good individual. 

Hinduism include the worshipping of various diety such as Lord Shiva, Lord Ganesha, Lord Hanuman, Goddess Kali, Goddess Parvati and many more but the main and the favourite of all including mine is Lord Krishna he teaches many lessons to the society in order to become a better person. Some of them includes: 

1. Desires come and go so always focus on your goal.

2. Always have a pure connection with the supreme power.

3. We should be liberal from all kinds of emotions etc. 

A famous quote from The BHAGAVAD GITA states : "Set your heart upon your work, but never on its reward."

Whatever the religion all it teaches is to be one and believe in humanity.

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