Health And Hospitality Update

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Health and Hospitality Update - Description about Mental Health

Health And Hospitality Update- Description about Mental Health

Mental Health is related to emotional, cognitive and behavioural well being. It is all about what people think and feel and how will they behave.

Cognitive includes knowing, perceiving, thinking, judging etc. It is ability to think, learn and remember. There are some ways to improve our cognitive health:-

  • Curiosity and Creativity
  • Social Connections
  • Brain Training Games
  • Mindfulness Meditation

Emotional health is the ability to handle, express and manage the emotions. It is the important part of our overall health. People who are emotionally healthy can easily cope with life’s challenges.

Behavioural health is the study of behaviour related to person’s mental well-being. A person who is suffering from behavioural health may faces depressions, relationship problems, stress, anxiety, mood disorders, or other psychological concerns.

Ways to boost our mental health are:-

  • Talk about your feelings
  • Socially active
  • Do something you are good at


