What You Need to Know About Acute Patellar Injuries

Komentari · 657 Pogledi

Bones provide structure to our body, and any damage occurring to the bone(s) will reduce its strength

Injuries are unexpected and there could be multiple causes for that. Orthopedic injuries are among the commonest ones, and bones are affected the most. In this post, we will discuss one such condition that affects the kneecap. The condition we are going to talk about is acute patellar injury.

Bones provide structure to our body, and any damage occurring to the bone(s) will reduce its strength. Similarly, when the kneecap is damaged, the strength and range of motion of the joints get affected. If the injury is severe, Ortho Implants like screws, pins, and wires are used for the surgical treatment. Let us dive deep into the condition.


What Are Acute Patellar Injuries?

Patella is the kneecap that protects and covers the knee joint. Besides this, it also helps in various knee movements. If this bone gets injured, it will directly affect the functioning of the knee. Severe injuries may cause serious complications like swelling and inflammation. Several types of patellar injuries are reported, some of them include:


Patellar Tendon Tear

The patellar tendon is known to connect the bottom of the kneecap to the top part of the tibia. Certain injuries may result in a small, partial, or complete tear of this tendon. Such a condition is painful, and in the case of complete tendon tear, surgery will be required. Such conditions may take around 4-6 months for recovery.


Patellar Dislocation

This is when the kneecap moves out of its place on the femur. There could be multiple reasons for the dislocation of the patella like car or bike accidents, falling from a height, a direct impact to the patella, and sports injuries. Reduction in these cases is required to bring the patella back to its place.


Unstable Kneecap

Also known as patellar subluxation, the condition is related to dislocation of the knee. Here, the patella slips out of its groove on the femur. Again, the cause of the condition will decide whether complete or partial dislocation is there.



High-energy impacts to the patella cause it to break, and such situations are serious. If the break is complicated, surgery will be required for the treatment.


What Are the Symptoms of Acute Patellar Injuries?

Pain is associated with almost all kinds of injuries, and those who experience acute patellar injuries will feel intense pain as well. Apart from this, the swelling also remains on the card due to inflammation of soft tissues caused by injuries.

Injury to the patella makes the knee joint weak and that results in joint instability. Some people might also experience grinding sensation or popping sounds while move moving around. While on the other hand, if patellar fracture or dislocation is there, deformity might also be seen.


How Diagnosis of Acute Patellar Injuries is Made?

Physical examination is always made during the diagnosis of the condition where, the healthcare service provider will look for visible signs like swelling, deformity, and the range of motion. Along with this, painful movements and the history of any injury will also be examined.

Imaging tests like x-rays and/or MRIs are performed to get a clear picture of the condition.


How Acute Patellar Injuries Are Treated?

The treatment of the condition will be made according to the diagnostic reports. Mild cases can be treated with simple remedies that include rest, ice application on the knee, and consumption of prescribed medicines to curb pain and inflammation.

Dislocation of the kneecap is required to be reduced to bring it back to its original position. Now, if a fracture in the kneecap is detected, surgery will be required to stabilize it, and that will involve the use of Orthopedic Implants Plates, screws, wires, and pins.

To get a CE-certified range of trauma implants, contact Siora Surgicals Pvt. Ltd., an experienced orthopedic device manufacturer and exporter based in India. The company is also known as a reliable Orthopedic Supplier Malaysia for supplying a huge range of MDA-approved trauma implants.
