
تبصرے · 675 مناظر

1.What is Employment?
2.Type of Employment?
3.Who are employer and employee?
4.Impact of lockdown in Employment?

What is Employment?

Employment is the contract in which employer and employee are engaged. Employer have to give a certain work to employee and in return employee get paid(as payment/compensation/remuneration/reward/salary).

Type of Employment

  • Part time and full time.
  • Commission base. 
  • Fixed and temporary.

Who are employer and employee ?

Employers are those people who hire employees for their work and they give work to employee and employee will paid in return.

Employees are those people who hired by employer to complete the given work and the work is given by employer. Employee get paid for that work.

Impact of lockdown in Employment (Hot Topic)

In today's life where covid-19 pandemic situation are occur in that situation people has to follow some social distancing rules and for social distance government take the step of lockdown in whole country.

Lockdown has both the impact good as well as bad. If we see In larger scale then it has negative impact over employment. Most of the businesses gets close and their are lots of companies who got abnormal loss.

In other hand,online companies/businesses, social media (online platforms)etc are gets abnormal profit and their businesses become more wider as per the demand. It spread over the world.


In employment employee has to sacrifice his personal life for his work and lots of burden over his shoulder. Employer also face stress when work is incomplete by employee and he/she also has burden of salary.



