Which state introduced the school revolution in india?

Komentar · 1926 Tampilan


An education revolution chose a place in Himachal Pradesh which was once thought a backward area. The literacy rates raised from 21% for boys and 8% for girls in 1961 to 94% and 86% severally in 1991. There is a primary school every few kilometers and the student-teacher proportion is 25:1. The education department has also started co-curricular actions. The development in education has been based nearly entirely on government schools. This has been achieved notwithstanding the unfriendly foundation pattern and high intentness of child labor.
The reasons for this are:
1. Great level of maternal motivation.

2. The social agreement in support of education.

3. More suitable staffing, with an aggregate of three teachers per school.

4. School calendar connected to the agriculture period.

5. Engagement of inhabitants and regional bodies.