Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar, The God of Cricket.

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Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar is a former Indian international cricketer . He is mostly considered as one of the best batsmen in the history of cricket.

Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar (born 24 April 1973) may be a top-notch Indian cricketer. He holds several batting records, including the foremost Test centuries and therefore the most one-day international centuries, and was rated in 2002 by Wisden because the second greatest Test batsman ever, after Sir Don Bradman.

He received the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna, India’s highest sporting honour, for 1997-1998, and therefore the civilian award Padma Shri in 1999. Tendulkar was a Wisden Cricketer of the Year in 1997.

Not only as a cricketer but as an individual , Sachin has showed his class and respect. He always made his bat talk instead of his mouth.

He alone carried India's cricket in 1990's on his shoulder else we will not imagine cricket in India anymore.

People who mention Sachin's talent and say he's not an equivalent should remember every one changes his style and approach towards the sport as he matures. He alright knows what's his role within the team.

He never played cricket for money or fame; cricket is in his blood which passion will never fade. His commitment, dedication towards the sport inspires many youngsters to try to to best in their respective fields.

His knocks in CB series finals proves your ability to perform within the crunch situations. once you walk on to the sector 100crore people expect you to perform and that we all can understand the pressure and expectations which you carry with great ability to cope up the pressure.

As they assert ...the more we are saying about you, is that much less. And again said "CRICKET IS RELIGION IN INDIA THE SACHIN RAMESH TENDULKAR IS GOD thereto RELIGION.

