Bipolar disorder

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Bipolar disorder is also a behavioral disorder but is more harmful than the oppositional defiant disorder.

Bipolar Disorder


Like ODD, bipolar disorder is also another type of behavioral disorder. However, it is more harmful than the ODD. Talking about it's cause, it can be caused due to genetic reason or can occur because of some emotional trauma.


Bipolar disorder, also known as Manic depression, is a kind of mental health condition that includes hypomania( extreme mood swings) and depression. In this condition, the child or adult suffering become hopeless. He/she lose his/her faith from life and people around him. It is one of the very very common disorder, every year around 10 million cases are found in India.





1. Low motivation:- The individual coping with this have low self esteem and no motivation. They search negativity in almost every thing. They never accept the truth that any good thing can also happen for them. They lose interest from almost everything, from day to day life to any other special occasions.  

2. Loss of touch from reality:-  In some cases, the child or adult also lost his/her touch from reality. He/she just starts to live in their own world, with almost none connection with family and friends. In initial stage, this problem can be controlled by medicines but later, it became very harmful, as the individual starts ro imagine those things which doesn't even exist, this is called hallucination. 

3. Suicidal thoughts:- In severe cases, the person starts to think, to end his/her life by any mean, as he consider himself as useless and his presence or absence doesn't affects anyone. Sometimes he also think that by harming himself, everything gone be all right. 



Just like ODD, Bipolar is also incurable. But symptoms can be controlled by medicines and therapies. If it is observed at initial stage, the consequences are not that much harmful. 


Therapy:- Therapies like Psychotherapy and family therapy, proved to be helpful in many cases. Both the therapies can be conducted only with the help of a certified psychiatrist. 


Medication:- Medicines including Anticonvulsant, SSRIs, Antipsychotic drugs,etc, are founded to be useful in some cases. However, there are a lot of side effects of these medications, but yet they help in a great extent. 


By:- Shubhranjali Dwivedi

(IMG courtsey:- Google)


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