5 Trending Topics for Kickstarting Your Blogging Experience

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This blog describes the five trending topics in blogging for the year 2020.

By creating content related to the most trending and profitable subject matter, you can increase the chances you’ll establish a fanbase and also have monetization opportunities. If you’re hoping to blog for a living, these aspects are key.

Some trending topics for blogging are mentioned as follows,  


Everyone eats, so naturally, food is a popular blogging topic. You can gain a fair amount of audience through recipe posts, and you also have the potential to branch out into cookbooks and tutorials. Plus, according to income statistics there are plenty of food blogs raking in thousands each month.


Fashion blogs are one of the most searched types of blogs on the web. Should you choose to start one, there’s a fairly good chance you’ll be able to bring in targeted audience quickly since thousands of people are looking to follow new blogs related to fashion and whats popular these days. 


The ‘lifestyle’ blogging niche is a bit of a catch-all. It only requires bloggers to write about their daily lives and related topics, so lifestyle blogs don’t always stick as closely to a single topic as those in some other niches. 


As strange as it may initially seem to put “blogging” on a list of the best blog niches, blogging is actually a fairly popular topic for blogs. When you think about it though, it starts to make a little more sense. Most people get into blogging because they enjoy it, so it follows that they’d like to write about the subject as well.

Personal Finance

Managing your money can be pretty confusing, which might be why so many people turn to personal finance blogs for help. And, since they tend to be run by finance-savvy individuals, perhaps it’s not surprising that there are quite a few of these blogs making handsomely well these days. 

Lekhshala 4 年

Great Article

