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Can Dance help an individual in physical fitness?

There can be no healthier way to take care of your well-being than through something as joyous and beautiful as dance!

Dancing also considered as an art form, can be a way to stay fit for people regardless of any age group, shapes and sizes. Several range of mental and physical benefits from dance has been proven to improve condition of lungs and heart of an individual. From improved mental and physical health to increase in social and emotional wellbeing, moving body to the rhythm and music can transform your life.

Apart from exercise provided by dance, it also improves balance and strength in an individual as it is a form of physical fitness which incorporates movements on motion. Several researches have shown that dancing can maintain and increase ability to think, lose weight, stay flexible and make friends as well. Dancing can be great for those at risk for cardiovascular disease.

Enrolling a dance class can help you socially engaged which leads to increase happiness and stronger immune system.

