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The remaining part of schizophrenia is covered in this article.



Schizophrenia shows few symptoms that are self recognizable by patient. As it is a type of chronic disorder, it can't be cured but there are some medication and therapies that helps to control the symptoms.



1. Repetitive movements:-  Repetition of any activity or a movement is mostly observed in this disorder. An individual dealing with this may repeat the same work again and again, even after the Completion of that  particular work.

2. Anger and anxiety:-  Anger, irritation and anxiety is also very common in such condition. The person suffering with this, got angry with minor things. If something is not happening according to them or as they think to do so, they got easily annoyed.

3. Social Isolation:- In some cases, individuals with such disorder isolates themselves from everyone, even from family and close friends too. They sometimes develop a mindset that, everyone present around, is going to hurt them and that is due to hallucination, that's why they stay away from peoples. 

4. Disorganized Behavior:-  As the disorder mainly affect the behavioral functioning of an individual, hence the disturbance in normal behavior is obvious. So the individual with such disorder behave in a peculiar way like disturbance in talking or reduced speech or any other activities.

5. Amnesia:-  Amnesia is also another most observable symptom. In this the affected individual lose his capacity to retain memories for a long time. He/she forget them after a certain interval of time. But this can be controlled with the help of medicines.




Self care:- Taking proper healthy diet, doing exercise and meditation can help the patient in a greater extent. Self care is the prominent thing in the treatment of any disease or disorder. So, it is necessary to do everything on a proper time like doing physical exercises or eating food or taking medicines,etc.

Therapy:-  Therapies like Cognitive behavioral therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, psycho therapy,etc are recommended by the doctors. These therapy doesn't have much disadvantages as compared to medication that's why these are more recommended.

Medication:-  Medication include two types of drugs,  first generation antipsychotic and second generation antipsychotic. These medicines helps to control the symptoms of particular individual.


By:- Shubhranjali Dwivedi

Alive and well !!


