Autism Spectrum disorder

코멘트 · 1220 견해

Autism spectrum disorder is one of the most common disorder that is observed nowadays.

Autism Spectrum Disorder


Autism spectrum disorder, also known as ASD, is a type of neurological and developmental disorder. This type of disorders mostly affects the person's ability to communicate, learn and interact. An individual dealing with such disorder, found himself/herself around crowd or strange peoples. Sometimes they even been unable to make friends and even sometimes unable to communicate with their own family members. It is more common in early adolescence and late childhood.


Occurence:- About one million cases are reported per year in populated countries like India and China. So it is one of the common occurring disorder. It is more observed in the males than in females.


Causes:- The exact cause of ASD is still unknown, however according to some doctors, this is caused due to genetical reasons. In a family, if someone was suffered from this disorder, then it's much likely to occur in future generation. Few people think that it caused due to bad parenting or due to not taking proper care of children, but that's not true. These factors doesn't have any role in the cause of such disorder. 




1. Social interaction or communication problems:- An individual dealing with such disorder became unable to communicate with others like his family or friends. He/she tries to avoid any people gathering and tries to break social connection from people around him/her. In many cases, people with such condition never try to interact with new peoples as they found it extremely insecure.

2. Late or no response:- In some cases, there senses are also disturbed. They sometimes give no response or no response while you call their name or anything. They sometimes doesn't recognize that someone is calling or is talking with them.

3. Loss of interest:- Peoples with such disorder, lose their interest from every work. As it is mostly observed in children and adolescents, they lose their interest from games and studies also.

4. Sleeping problems:- In many cases, sleeping problems are also reported by the patients. They won't be able to sleep properly or if slept, woke up in middle or something like these things.

5. Depression:-  Because of incomplete sleep and loss of interaction from family and friends, some patients even suffer from depression and it causes severe problems like development of suicidal thoughts.


By:- Shubhranjali Dwivedi

(IMG courtsey:- Google)


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