Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

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Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is one of the common occurring disorder that is observed in children and adolescents.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder


 Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, also known as ADHD or Attention deficit disorder, is a type of neurological and behavioral disorder that creates the problem with emotional and behavioral self control. It is one of the chronic condition including attention difficulty, hyperactivity and impulsiveness.

ADHD often begins in childhood and can persist life long. It occurs in adolescents as well. It is controllable in children and more severe in adolescents or adults.


Occurrence:-  As per the reports, it is more common in males than the females. Also the symptoms in both male and female varies from each others. In males, hyperactivity is more common while females may tend to be quiet inattentive in any work.

Causes:- This is caused due to interaction between gene and non-genetic factors. Beside this there are also other factors like consumption of alcohol, cigarette smoking, etc. Another cause that is common behind its cause is taking drugs during pregnancy. 



1. Aggression and Irritability:-  Aggression and irritation is very common in case of ADHD. Person with such condition get easily annoyed and irritated. They want everything to be happen in their own way. 

2. Forgetfulness:- Forgetfullness or amnesia is also another most observed symptom. An individual who is suffering with such disorder starts to forget about many things after a certain interval of time.

3. Depression:-  Negativity and miseries makes the patient depressed. In most of the cases, this depression leads to cause even severe problems like development of suicidal thoughts or thought of hurting someone around.

4. Learning Disabilities:-  Person suffering with ADHD, is more likely to suffer with learning disabilities also. Learning disabilities like Dyslexia and dysgraphia are very common to be occur along with this disorder.



Self care- Self care is one of the important thing, on which a patient have to focus. Doing meditation and taking medicines on time, regular checkup and a healthy diet, helps a lot. Meditation is able to cure depression, aggression and irritation, while proper diet helps the body to cope with the disorder. 

Therapy:- Cognitive-Behavioral therapy, family therapy and psychoeducation is recommended by the doctors. These therapies helps to control the symptoms.


By:- Shubhranjali Dwivedi

(IMG courtesy:- google, slideshare)


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