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Types and forms of dance across the world

When we talk about dancing, humans have done this since the dawn of the time. Some dances have roots to its originated forms going back to centuries while some have been originated in modern ages. Here is list of top five dance styles that we can see people practice and are fond of!

  • BALLET: What does it come to your mind when you hear the word “BALLET?” Pointe shoes, men in tights and tutus, right? But ballet is so much than that. It is style of dance that is the foundation of several forms of dance training.
  • JAZZ: Jazz is considered popular style of dance among dancers. It combines all dance styles in an energetic way that is without any conventional boundaries.
  • Modern: Modern dance is considered as an expression on dancer’s relationship to the floor including methods of release, movement and contraction. Modern and ballet are closely linked in technique, musicality and coördination.
  • Hip Hop: The type of dance is also known as Street Dance which is danced to rap, urban and hip-hop music. Hip Hop dance sneakers are mostly worn by dancers. It opens to personal experience and free to interpret dance in several way a dancer can.
  • Contemporary Dance: The kind of dance embodies modern, jazz, ballet and lyrical. It encompasses technique such as ballet as fundamentals and creates movements that do not adhere to rules of ballet and modern.

