Difference between a well-trained dog and an untrained dog

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If you wish to have a protector cum companion, Pinnacle Protection Dogs is providing fully trained protection dogs for sale.


Research depicts, pet dogs can be comforting companions and can lead to having a positive impact on one’s mental health.  There are also a lot of physical health benefits to having a pet dog such as an increase in exercise, socializing, regular walking, etc. Therefore, pet dogs can contribute to decreasing blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels.  Many households in the USA  have at least one pet.

Important Aspects to Keep in Mind Before Buying a Trained Dog

Whereas there are ample amounts of benefits to keeping a pet dog, there are even more benefits to keeping a trained one. Trained dogs are not only great companions but also offer protection at all times. Habitually via training, these dogs are not only exceptional friends with their handlers but also a great protector under threatful situations. They cannot be touched or petted by any other individual. One can train the dog to recognize the family members. If you wish to have a protector cum companion, Pinnacle Protection Dogs is providing fully trained protection dogs for sale

A trustworthy bond has to be built between you and your pet dog which can be done with training where the pet starts understanding and sensing things. Things might get easier once their development cycle begins. Generally, a pet dog will do whatever it may feel to do at its first instinct but a well-trained dog will behave quite differently as these animals will only surrender to their primary handlers. One should be extra cautious while training them so that they do not harm anyone unnecessarily. The dog must be trained to listen to you when you want them to stop in case they try to attack someone they're not supposed to. 

The training can be done with the help of a licensed expert defense trainer within a period not exceeding six months. Apart from strict supervision, there is also a need to expose the pet dog to the outside environment. Post rigorous training, trained dogs can go out with their primary handlers. Having a trained dog requires a high level of responsibility from the owner. That is because you will be held accountable for all its actions such as legal issues if the dog bites. Therefore, all the necessary paperwork (licenses and certificates) must be done before. 

Benefits of keeping a trained dog

An untrained dog may behave without any concern for consequences as it may see the world through its own senses: hearing, seeing, smelling, and then act accordingly based on how the dog sees best. Discipline is something that differentiates a personal protection dog and an untrained dog. Personal protection dogs are definitely going to be beneficial for people in defense divisions, the military, government officials, elderly people, the specially-abled, or be it anyone who wants protection from unforeseen threats.  They can be useful if the owners of the dog are in certain dangerous situations. There are different types of personal protection dogs like German Shepherds, Bullmastiffs, and Great Danes.   

A 2012 case study depicts how Anka, a black German Shepherd female was adopted by a family after they experienced a burglary on their property. The requirement of the family was to have a defense dog who could protect them.  After adopting Anka, the family was delighted as the dog was able to protect them in the future. It really changed their life. You can buy a trained dog in the USA for sale according to your needs and lifestyle at Pinnacle Protection Dogs. 

Personal protection dogs can also be family pets because they have that kind of emotion with them. Apart from being a member of your family, it will be able to follow your instructions in a great manner. It is the training that is going to make them stronger.  Just like any other pet, they will also need proper nutrition, comfort, and care. You not only get a dedicated family member but also feel at ease when at home or not.  It will protect you from any form of threat. 


Having a protection dog is one of the most important life decisions you’ll make. The poise of having a trained dog will give your life the necessary collectedness every dog owner should feel.  
