Animated movies for adults: exploring the trend

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An animated movie or cartoon, is made up of a series of slightly different drawings of people, animals, and objects that make them appear to move.


Animated movies are often associated with children's entertainment. However, in recent years, we've seen a significant shift towards animation being used to tell stories for adults. Animated movies are no longer just for kids. They are now being created specifically with adults in mind, and they're becoming increasingly popular.

The trend of animated movies for adults can be traced back to the success of shows like The Simpsons and South Park. These shows proved that animation could be used to tell adult stories and tackle adult themes. They paved the way for the creation of more adult-oriented animated content.

One of the biggest advantages of using animation for adult-oriented content is the freedom it provides. With animation, you can create any world, any character, any situation. The possibilities are endless. This allows creators to explore topics that might be difficult or expensive to create in live-action.

Take for example, the show Bojack Horseman. Bojack is a deeply flawed character struggling with depression, addiction, and relationships. The show deals with themes like mental health, fame, and the pursuit of happiness. It's a show that could never be done justice in live-action. The use of animation allows the creators to fully realize their vision and take the story in unexpected directions.

Another advantage of animated movies for adults is the ability to appeal to a wider audience. Animated movies can be enjoyed by people of all ages, but when you create something with adults in mind, you're tapping into a more mature audience. This can be seen in the success of movies like Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse, which won an Academy Award for Best Animated Feature, and The Lego Movie, which was a critical and commercial success.

Of course, there are challenges to creating animated movies for adults. The biggest challenge is breaking the association that animation is only for children. There's still a perception that animation is only for kids, and this can be a barrier to entry for some adults.

However, we're seeing more and more examples of animation being used for adult-oriented content. Take for example, Love, Death Robots, an anthology series on Netflix that explores mature themes like sexuality, violence, and death. The show features a variety of animation styles and is a great example of the potential of animation to tell adult stories.

In conclusion, animated movies for adults are becoming increasingly popular, and for good reason. They offer creators a level of freedom and creativity that live-action can't match. They allow for the exploration of mature themes and the ability to appeal to a wider audience. While there are challenges to the trend, the success of shows like Bojack Horseman and Love, Death Robots proves that animation has the potential to be a powerful storytelling medium for adults.
