Kerala - God's own country.

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Kerala is the state on the southwestern tropical Malabar Coast of India. To its east and northeast, Kerala borders Tamil Nadu and Karnataka; to its west and south lie the Indian Ocean islands of Lakshadweep and the Maldives, respectively.

Kerala- the one of the most beautiful place in India. The capital of Kerala is Thiruvananthapuram. It is located in southern most part of the country. The languages spoken in Kerala are Malayalam and English. Kerala provide the most tasty delicacy in India. Some are appam-stew , dosa-sambar ,payasam etc. The culture and heritage of Kerala is one that everyone must experience. The culture of Kerala is a combination of both Indian and Dravidian culture. The famous worldwide dance form Kathakali originated in Kerala. Kathakali is a major form of classical dance form. It is associated with storytelling form of this art . The story in ‘Kathakali’ is also communicated to audience through excellent footwork and impressive gestures of face and hands complimented with music and vocal performance. Some of the most beautiful place to visit  in Kerala are Munnar.  Munnar is the popular hill station in Kerala . A very beautiful place to visit when in Munnar, which is Echo Point got its name from the natural echo phenomenon that occurs here. Echo Point is situated at a serene, calm lake bank. When you scream here, you'll be hearing your voice echoed back at you. Nestled 2 km away from Munnar amidst beautiful hills and lush green jungles, this pristine waterfall makes for romantic escapades and picnics site. However, the road to Atukkad is very narrow and needs a lot of experience to drive on. Pothamedu View Point, situated 6 km off Munnar, is adorned with stretching hills and lush green mountains. One can witness the spectacular wide views of tea, coffee and cardamom plantations of the area.

As this is God's own country nature plays the very significant role. Kerala the land of beauty is describes as the favourite child of nature, and famous for its breath taking natural beauty. Major attraction are includes long coconuts tree, the blue mountain and rivers makes kerala one of the greenest places ever seen. The beautiful milky falls of water splashing thought the rocks should not be miss.

Kerala has many colourful festivals and every festival has its own importance. Onam ,the annual harvested festival and it is the largest festival celebrated in Kerala. Vallamkali or Snake boat race in Kerala. The famous water sport marks the end of onam festival. Pooram festival , the main features of pooram are the decorated elephants. Peoples of Kerala worship elephants and snakes on different festival occasions.
