3 trick to make a good bond with new people's !

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how to make friends and influence people.


       Hey everyone....  I hope you are so amazing and having a great days...  As we always listen a single book is enough to change people's life and the life of upcoming generation .... So you will understand more through this pic....  Let's have a look... 

        Today we are here to help you to make a strong bond with the people you meet recently.....  
All  these information Is taken from the bcok " How to win friends and influence people's "....
So let's get on the topic..... 

   3 tips to make a strong bond with new people's :-


1. Don't criticize, condemn or complain. 

       Acc to this principle never complain about any one on their face.... If u do so they definitely feels so bad and after this they will try to ignore you always thus u can't make a strong bond as much you want with them..... 

   So always remember never criticize anybody directly....! 


2. Give honest and sincere appreciation. 

      According to this principle always appreciate people for their work no matter how small the work is just always appreciate them...  And always be truthful never appreciate them for the thing which they never done always give and honest appreciation..... 
        Because deep we all knows that which is true which is false so never lie and give sincere appreciation....! 

3. Arouse in the other person an eager want. 

      The simply this means that make other person's feel that how much important they are.... You understand if you make them feel important you will make a strong bond with that person.....  

         By applying all these tips in your daily life you can have a great and strong bond with new people's....|


             Just always remember these tips and in next part we will tell you how to get great friend with anyone till enjoy this....

                Have a wonderful day !!
