Coronavirus under surveillance through DRONES

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Drones being an innovation to lift up the ease of life, now working as a strategy against Coronavirus

It has already been tough for everyone all around the world due to this virus, namely COVID-19 or Novel coronavirus. People who have great responsibilities can hardly sleep or eat, citizens of India have to eat with fear paved all-around their heart. Nevertheless, this pandemic has created a mess. “I don’t think of all the misery, but of the beauty that still remains.” quoted by Anne Frank, during the war that was not only outside but also inside her heart. Likewise, people need to have faith. Well, Isn't this the time when Science comes to rescue? and the beautiful technology that mankind accepted whole-heartedly can give a solution. It is quite obvious that a virus can be treated by its antidote and its prevention can be done by a vaccine, But there are so many aspects that a Government need to govern while running a country during such a situation.
The valour of technology has come into the picture in India too. With India under lockdown to slow down the spread of coronavirus, drones are proving to be a crucial and a useful tool in the functioning of the law enforcement authorities, media and other government organisations which are deploying these drones for carrying out sanitisation, surveillance, and to reach out to people, thereby minimising the risk of infection for their personnel.
These Unmanned Aerial Vehicles are not only being used by Government Organisations, police force etc but also by Media to show people confined indoors, containment zones and various pieces of information required locally. Drones can play a vital role in tracking all small containment zones thereby making people readily aware of the location.
Besides, Drones can act as messengers as well. Instead of government officials or officials from MCs hitting the road to spread awareness with a mic, drones can easily announce various important notices thoroughly, making the procedure of maintaining social distant communication more efficient. Moreover, these Unmanned Aerial Vehicles are also efficient enough to show live telecast of a containment zone thereby keeping a sharp eye on the individuals who violate the rules and go out unnecessarily.
Interestingly, as sources from NDTV say that the municipal corporation of Warangal in Telangana has already deployed the drones to spray disinfectant. This initiative can be considered as a blessing for the people in Warangal. So, this can be another reason where Drones have proved themselves already as a piece of useful equipment against the spread of Novel Coronavirus.
Lastly, it is a time of concern and time for stepping-up the use of drones throughout the nation. Although the Government is deploying the UAVs, it needs to be done at a faster rate. This enforcement will control spreading to some extent. This field of technology has inspired many entrepreneurs who thought to help the country by supplying ideas and technology. Besides, it is expected that more such entrepreneurs come forward to showcase their technical skill and their enthusiasm towards making India a safer place.

