Use of Technology with the election

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As in our daily life we are using technology on daily bases, This article will define technology and shows how it can play a greater role in elections and democracy of a country.

As in our day to day life technology becomes our basic need, we cannot think of a world without technology, even for communication we use techonology like media,social accounts,mobile and many more platforms.Technology is the greatest gift from the mankind which develop our lifestyle and education.But somewhere it is sin for our mother nature earth which is still facing pollution generated through our technology devices. It depends on us how we are using the greatest gift of the mankind.we humans always use this gift for the better lifestyles but somewhere we forget the effects it will create in our  nature, if we play with our nature it will also create a havoc in the ecosystem of the nature. 

As the technological improvements decided by our political leaders, they decides which equipments should be use in our country for development in technology. Even the election which is held to choose the leader and maintain democracy in  our country is maintaned by use of technology. As media shows the work done by the government and help the people of that country to choose the correct leader which lead their country to the better economic growth which increase the employment rate of that country.

Use of technology in election process will help in security concern of voting and any involment of others. for example, in earlier days people use to vote using pen and paper and the votes were placed in a box and later those were traveled to a place where the election commisioner count the votes manualy, In this process security can be break or there can be a calculation error while counting the votes. So, technology can be use here like e-voting which automatically counts the votes and send to the required department using internet or using a harddrive.

Although there is also security concern over techonolgical process of election but it can be maintained by the cyber security and balance the election process. The results of the election will be quicker as compare to the previous method of election. 

Sometime technology can be use for false information like media can use false information or they can hide the information for the people of that country, which fools the people to choose the wrong leader. So, we should always beware of other how they using this gift of mankind and then only we should decide wheather the information we are receiving is correct or a false information,In this the people of that country plays an important role by improving there technological use.

Atlast, It depends on us how we are using the technology and how we are consume the information. So, always be aware of misuse of this gift by other and oppose those who are misusing this gift and generate problems in the relation between the mother nature and the mankind. Even, some leaders use this techinology to heal the mother nature from the sins done by the mankind using this technology. I hope we will see a better future with the use of this gift of mankind
