تبصرے · 688 مناظر

What mistakes are made by people while squatting?

Squats are considered one of the effective exercises for lower body which strengthens muscles, hamstrings and calves. As squats make up one of the essential parts of workout schedule, simple mistakes during squatting can cause serious injuries so we have listed some of the squat mistakes and how to fix them:

  • Consideration of your knee: Your knee puts stress when rotated internally and externally which can lead to back injuries. It is essential to keep hips stacked over heels and knees stacked over ankles.
  • Consideration of lifting: The squatting comes from pushing through heels but mostly people tend to shift weight to toes which has higher potential for knee injury and stressed ankles. It is essential to put body weight on knees and quads.
  • Consideration of posture: A squat can be made or broken with your posture while doing it. When you look upward curving cervical spine, it risks for disc injury. It is necessary to position head straight and chest lifted.
  • Consideration of breathing: It is recommended not to hold your breath during a squat. It is essential to breathe into your belly to help stabilize core.

If ever you want to practice your perfect squats, do not forget these points or else you will make or break!
