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Technology has always impacted society in significant ways.There have always been benefits and consequences.

Technology has always impacted society in significant ways.Generally used to automate, improve, inform, or destroy.These causes have pushed technological innovation from prehistoric times until now.Technology is the sum of all of the knowledge that we have to process actions, create tools, and use materials throughout each day. It is a term which has multiple meanings based on the subject matter being discussed. You are using technology to read this content right now. We use technology to plant a garden. Technology helps us to sleep at night, receive medical care, and cook food.

There have always been benefits and consequences-

    Pros of technology-

  •     Technology gives us access to more information
  •     You can save time by using technology
  •     Technology gives us more mobility options
  •     We can communicate more efficiently because of technology.
  •     Technology can make things cheaper.
  •     It inspires us to become innovators.

   Cons of technology-

  •    Technology creates dependencies
  •    Technology reduces human effort
  •    There are data security concerns to manage.
  •    Technology creates a social disconnect
  •    Technology can manipulate information to suit personal needs.

Technology on its own is not good or evil. It is the choices that we make with these processes that can help or harm others. It is easy to blame the tool because it can be personally challenging to look at the actions of a fellow human. Their choices could easily become our decisions one day if a similar set of circumstances were to occur.

We have become used to smartphones and computers becoming our go-to resources for almost everything. Technology lets us go almost anywhere and do almost anything.

When we look at the pros and cons of technology, it is essential to look at how these tools are shaping our lives today. Do you see conversations happening in restaurants? Or is everyone staring into their mobile device as a way to pass the time before their meal arrives?

We must be disciplined with technology. Our perspectives will help to shape the next generation and how they evolve tech to fit their world.

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