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Can food be one of the reason to bring changes in mood?



It is said that food swings can deal all your mood swings! Yes, multiple studies and researches have found that relation between food and brain function come hand in hand. Only thing that we should know is what food we should eat and what we should not. In a hot summer day, cold glass of water could uplift your mood while the same glass can ruin your mood in cold winters!

It is essential to explore the relationship between what we eat and how we feel after eating. Indulging into junk and fast food can give you momentum pleasure and happiness but the same food can cause several damages to your body which in turn affects your mental state as well. Improving one’s diet and lifestyle can also improve one’s mood giving more energy and helping think more clearly.

You might feel tired when your blood sugar drops due to which eating regularly and choice of food that releases energy will help you to keep your level of sugar at normal.

In a nutshell, some foods can be really harmful to eat if taken during certain medication, so it is important to take it in consideration.
