Audio/Video Conferencing

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Audio/Video Conferencing is the fast growing IT field in current days because of how it has become the integral part of our life.

In this time of quarantine and corona pandemic ,there are some things that has proved their importance more than other things and suddenly has become the integral part of our life. One of them is Audio/Video conferencing technology.Every type of social connection is now based on this technology whether it is work from home,virtual farewell, friends gathering and even virtual on boarding of freshers.

Due to increased demand of use of this technology almost every tech giant or to be giant is releasing their own version of this ,for example, Microsoft teams, Google meet, zoom , JIO meet etc. as there is no better communication than a face to face communication.

This technology may seem very convenient and useful to customers and end users but at the back end it is more interesting,like how audio and video are in sync even after different frame rate of both the streams.There are some protocols and technology that make this communication smooth. H323 is an umbrella recommendation from the ITU-T, that defines the protocols to provide audio-visual communication sessions on any packet network.It is right now being used by many real-time applications such as Netmeeting and Ekiga.

As we can notice that the video conferencing is in no way less productive or inefficient than an actual meeting ,so it may also be presumed that even after the coronavirus pandemic this virtual meeting paradigm will remain intact as this is also kind economic to the company and comfortable to the attendees as there is not arrangements cost or attendees won't have to travel or make efforts to reach the venue everyone can attend the meeting from their point of comfort. Sometimes members of a particular orgarnization have to travel acroos the city just for a meeting which actually could br possible over the internet too. It can be said prior to this pandemic this paradigm could have been considered less professional but in the time people are getting used to this and  realizing that old methods are just conservative and they have to upgrade to improve.
