Top 6 Trending Technologies

टिप्पणियाँ · 977 विचारों

This article talks about the top 6 most trending technologies of 2020

The field of technology is ever changing due to the introduction of new innovations ever so often. It becomes important for us to update ourselves with the current market trends and see what's hot and what's not.

Here are a few technologies ruling the market at the moment :

  • Artificial Intelligence(AI) : Artificial Intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence in machines, it refers to programming machines to think like humans. It involves charateristics such as critical thinking, problem solving , learning etc. Artificial Intelligence has a wide array of applications starting from SIRI to self-driving cars.
  • Internet of Things(IoT) : Internet of things involves digitally connecting everyday physical devices and forming a virtual network of these interconnected devices. These devices could be your mobile phones, televisions, refrigerators, washing machines etc. IoT helps to transfer data without requiring human-to-computer interaction or even human-to-human interaction. 
  • Cloud Computing : Cloud Computinf refers to the delivery of computing services such as computing power and data storage to the user over a network such as the Internet.An excellet example for this is is Google's Gmail. Clud Computing increases scalability, reduces IT costs, improves flexibility and ensures access to automatic updates.
  • Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality : This refers to the computer-driven simulation three-dimensional environment that can be interacted with by a person using special equipment such as gloves, glasses etc. Viewers are placed within an environment virtually. Instead of viewing the screens, users can actually interact with the components in the screen. VR provides realistic scenarios, can be used in learning, helps in retention and recall and is innovative and fun.
  • Blockchain : Blockchain technology is actually the technology behind Bitcoin. If you've been following cryptocurrency, investment etc. you're probably already familiar with this technology. As the name suggests, at the most basic level is a 'chain of blocks'. These 'blocks' contain digital data about who is participating in the transaction. Each block is unique and can be told apart by the hash code that each block possesses. In reality, a single block can hold upto a few thousand transactions. 
  • Big Data: Big Data helps solving problems that may occur when processing and storing data. It deals with data that is huge in volume and is growing exponentially. A Java based framework such as Hadoop is used to process large amounts of data. It helps to increase the speed and capacity as needed. 