All About Color Psychology

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This article talks about the effect color has on our brains.

It is long believed that color dramatically affects our emotions, thinking and mood. Colors are a great form of visual communication that can speak volumes about a design, hence colors play a huge role while designing a product. 

This article talks about how color can impact the mood and emotions.

Colors on the red area of the spectrum such as reds, yellows and oranges are said to be warm colors. and colors on the blue area of the spectrum such as blues, greens and purples are called as cool colors.

Let us now see how each color affects the mood of the the buyer/user :

  • Red : Red is the color that evokes the strongest feelings and emotions. Red not only evokes positive emotions such as love, passion and affection but also negative feelings such as anger, danger and fear. It is the second most visible color on the color spectrum (after yellow). It is used to depict danger, passion, love, excitement, aggresion, power etc. 
  • Yellow : It is most visible color on the color spectrum and is used to convey a range of feelings such as attention, warmth, happiness, energy etc. It is the most attention grabbing color but can also cause a lot of visual fatigue and can be difficult to read. 
  • Black : Black has different reactions from different people. On one hand, it can symbolize elegance, boldness and power but on the other hand it can symbolize loneliness, unhappiness and gloom. In branding, black is associated with boldness and elegance and a lot of brands have a shade of in their logos.
  • Purple : Purple is that color that has different associations ranging from mystery, secrets to wealth, royalty, luxury. In the past, kings and queens were most often found to wear clothing of this color, mostly because it was a unique colored that doesn't usually occur in nature. 
  • Pink : Pink is very often associated with all things feminine. Pink leaves behind a feeling of affection, romance and kindness. Pink is also said to have a calming effect on people. Some people associate this color with joy and others associate it with creativity. It is a lighter shade of red that shoud be used in moderation, if not it can be very draining and may also cause some agitation. It creates a sense of hope, compassion, nurturing and love.

