8 habits of successful people

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This article talks about the habits of successful people.

Success does not come easy. It takes a lot of hardwork and determination to achieve success. You can start off small, like creating a good daily routine and sticking to it. Develop certain lifestyle habits and make them a part of your routine.

Here are a few habits that most successful people have in common :

  • They get up early : Most successful people got out of bed atleast three hours before starting their work day. They tried to accomplish atleast the top three things they wanted to achieve in these early hours. 
  • They read, a lot : Majority of the people who are successful are ardent readers. They read to improve their knowledge and also for self-improvement. They usually prefer biographies, non-fiction, self-help books etc. 
  • They make exercise a priority : Most of these people workout atleast 4 times a week. This not only clears their head but also makes you more motivated and keeps procrastination at bay. If you have a tight schedule, you could atleast squeeze in a 15 minute workout into your day. It may not seem much, but makes a lot of difference. Remember, for a strong mind, it is essential to have a strong body.
  • They get enough sleep : It is true that you function best when you're well rested, if you want to improve your focus and concentration, make sure to get a good night's sleep. It also helps to boost your creative thinking. Even Albert Einstein made sure to get a good 10 hours of sleep a night!
  • Keep a daily journal : This is one of the most important habits of successful people. They jot down creative thoughts, goals for the day, long term goals, strategies etc. in their journals.
  • They surround themselves with positive people : You are only as successful as the people you hang out with. Negative people are everywhere, don't take them seriously. They want to put your down because you're doing better than them, they envy you. Spend your time instead, with people who value your time.
  • Listen and learn : Dalai Lama said, "When you talk, you are only repeating what you know; but when you listen, you learn something new". Successful people are are patient listeners, they don't just wait for their turn to talk. Remember, by listening you learn a lot and also lets people know that you care.
  • Stay organized : Making a list of all the things you have to achieve that day helps you stay on track and makes you more to actually achieve them.