Lockdown and Children

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This article discusses on the tips which we have to practice at home for making our children calm and mentally strong.There are a lot of challenges which we are facing today because of the lockdown time. It's important to take care of our child's mental and physical health.


Every children are the unique gift of God.All of them are born with their own talents.All we have to do is to give them appropriate oppurtunities for developing themselves.No child is born without any ability.The thing we have to do is finding their talents and thus motivating them.
For making the children feel better,we have to create a new routine that is comfortable for the child.We can use visuals and videos to explain about the coronavirus and its hazards as well as the personal safety procedures to be followed like hand washing,mask,social distancing and more.The child may need to be trained for this.We can create a new schedule which enables them with household cores,creative activities, indoor fitness routines and so on.
We can help them for creating a list of recreational activities such as watching TV, surfing the internet, art,music, dance, cooking,gardening and all.We can help them to practice important skill goals the child should attain at therapy like target words or sentences in speech therapy,academic goals or literacy goals.We can also engage with them in the activities that help the child relax such as foot massage or pedicure or some relaxing music and exercise.When they cope well or complete their task,boost their self esteem by taking photographs or videos of their achievements.This will make them contented and happy.

This period of pandemic is a really challenging time for everyone.The minds of children are really in panic because they are strictly restricted inside the house.No school,no friends,no parks, no fun.They are denied of everything.So it’s our responsibility to create such an environment and thus fulfill their mind with hope and optimism.There are high chances at which they slowly moves to the state of depression.We have to take care of them.
We can always make them creative and improve their skills each and every day.We have to make this lockdown a full enriched one.This is a golden opportunity to improve ourselves and also find our hidden talents.Our children are the best and they can contribute even more better than we imagine.They are blessed,they are genius and Let them Fly.

