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What are the several types of gardening?


A garden is considered thing of beauty and job for forever! Good-looking and stunning gardens appeal to our senses do as they have immense diversity of combination of designs, flavors, sounds of insects and birds and variation of texture. In order to distinguish between type of garden vastly depends on the area of garden, designs and plants that are planted. We often call all gardens as “Garden” but do not know that gardens also have their own types according to what they grow!

Flower Gardens: Shrubs and trees are one of the essential parts of well-designed flower garden. Blend of colors and forms are essential aspects while considering such kind of garden.

Water Gardens: Have you ever encountered or heard of water garden? They represent one of the oldest forms of gardening. Several water gardens range from formal pools with outline and fountains in center without plants.

Vegetable Gardens: Several botanical gardens where herb gardens contain plant used for medicinal use such as thymes, parsley, fennel, rosemary and many more are vegetable gardens. Such type of gardens requires open place with adequate sunny atmosphere.

Fairy Gardens: These types of gardens are favorite spot for children which come in forms of large size, small and in forest or flower gardens.

