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This article highlights the significance of education and how it relates to the existence of mankind

All of us have listen to the word education but how many of us really knows the exact meaning of education??Since our childhood we must’ve been listening that education is important, it should be provided to all...but why?Does education only means going to school getting promoted to other standards then having your certification then going to college having numerous degrees and then a 5 to 9 job!!

No..!!!Most of us really think that education just means gobbling up the books and getting good marks in examinations but that’s not the way it is supposed to be.Education is enriching yourself with loads of knowledge and skills that will help you become a better person. It’s a path for your that you can become the best version of yourself of whom everyone should be fond of and be inspired by. Education gives you knowledge,skills,enhances your way to understand things,provides  you a better perspective to look at life,ensures your excellent personality development.Education has a lot to give you and you should be having the quality to extract the best out of the opportunity.

For the existence of mankind education is a must as an educated person will represent itself as well as it’s society on the global platform.  And in this era of industrialisation and globalisation education works as the most powerful weapon that will help your nation to rise and shine.An educated person can contribute to the trade and commerce of the nation, it can contribute the nation to become stronger from within too. An educated person can break the chains of old customs and rituals due to which the nation can progress.Education can shatter the injustice being done to people from centuries in our country.

Its only because of the education that today in our country there is justice, liberty, equality and fraternity.The leaders of those time were educated which in turn have benefited us that we can survive in a country where all these pillars of democracy are found and are practised.Its only because of the education that evils of our society like discrimination on the basis of caste, sati pratha, no remarriage for widows,untouchability have been eradicated and helped in the empowerment of women and the downtrodden.

In today’s time where there is competition everywhere....only those who are educated are being asked as they would be able to contribute towards the success story of a nation. People are getting paid on the basis of their knowledge and skills..this is where the main significance of the education lies...if you are not educated no one is gonna ask for you and you won’t be able to stand out and represent yourself and neither you would be able to fulfill the needs of your family.Education gives you the worth and the confidence to stand out in crowd and represent yourself in the best way possible.       Hence,concluding that for your upliftment as well as for your nation education is important.
