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Casues of sleep that has been affecting lives of people

How many of you might have faced zombieness till morning and still no sign of drowsiness? Many times, people might suffer from lack of sleep or in other words we can call it sleep deprivation which is one of the major sleeping disorder. You might be really very amazed to know these listed reasons that can actually be blamed for you not getting proper sleep.

  • Munching snacks late night and enjoying your movie or series or delving into Netflix for binge watch might be so exciting right? Did you know that eating at bedtime can cause heartburn during night and disturb your sleep?
  • Our body temperature matters! If you are too cold or feeling to hot, of course how can you sleep soundly. Find ideal temperature using thermostat and sleep soundly!
  • It may sound tempting to have alcoholic beverage at late night party before bedtime but did you know that it fragments your sleep waking you up feeling like zombie?
  • Exercise is no doubt one of the best things to make you fit whole life. But did you know that increasing your heart rate before bed can actually make you feel harder to fall asleep?


Are you tired of all these things or are you facing same issues of sleep deprivation? First uncover the reason of your sleep issues and then try to manage your schedule. If you have serious issues then it is recommended to consult physician.
