How to choose the perfect wooden pallets for your company

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The choice of pallets is a strategic decision for the transport and handling of the goods. A good choice of them guarantees the correct operation of the transport chain, since if, for example, the pallet does not meet minimum specifications such as size and resistance, the benefits of your company will be directly affected, since the pallets can break, not fit into the conveyor system ... etc.

 So that you do not suffer the consequences of a poor choice of pallets, today at DEBBIESPALLETS we give you the keys to choose the perfect buy pallets online wellington  for your company.

 Wooden pallets: the most popular

 Due to its low price and high resistance, wooden pallets have earned the position of best-selling pallets. They can be made of wood from conifers - lighter wood - or hardwood - heavier and more resistant.

 All pallets have a regulation that regulates their characteristics, as well as their use. On the one hand.

 The wood that is destined for export. This treatment is antibacterial to ensure the safety of public and international health. It should be noted that antibacterial treatment cannot be carried out on all volumes.

 Keys to choosing wooden pallets

 Like any strategic decision for your company, the most important thing is not to leave everything to chance and plan each move. Thus, even the purchase of the pallets requires planning.

 Read also: How to buy wooden pallets: 7 key questions to answer

The pallet according to the transport system

 Either outside or inside your warehouse, the pallet will go through different transport systems. Do these machines and transport systems support the measurements and characteristics of the pallet? What is the most suitable pallet according to the transport system? These are some of the main questions you should ask yourself, and that your suppliers will solve for you before buying them.


 How much weight will the pallet support? What is the type of load? Within the range of wooden pallets, depending on the type of tree that comes from and the structure of the same pallet will support more or less load. For example, transformable pallets can be stacked better, which provides more firmness in transport.

 In this sense, each type of pallet indicates the maximum load it can withstand. The type of goods to be transported is also decisive, since, for each good, there is a specific type of pallet.

 Reuse and use

 The number of times the pallet will be used is also decisive, since with each use the pallet wears out depending on the load transported and the use. How many journeys will the pallets make? Will they be long or short? These are some of the questions to ask yourself, and, consequently, choose pallets that hold up to the "rhythm".

 Necessary measures

 According to the transport systems both in the warehouse and external, the type of load ... etc. The pallet must have specific measures. In this regard, the regulations are clear and there are standard measures at North America and international level.

 In North America, the most common pallet is the one with standard measurements for North America countries: 1200 x 800 x 145 mm. normally this measure is valid for storage systems, but, as always, each case is different so it is better to make sure in advance of the compatibility.

 Although less widely used in North America, there are also the so-called universal pallets, industrial pallets or is pales, which measure 1200 × 1000 mm. It is mainly used in the American and Japanese markets.

 In addition to taking into account the keys mentioned above, it is necessary that you make a weighting between these and the price that the provider offers you. Since, as we know well in DEBBIESPALLETS, it is important to do a preliminary study of the suppliers and carry out negotiations to obtain the most suitable large wooden boxes for storage, in addition to the best price. And the most suitable always translates into cost savings.
