How to appreciate a comedy movie?

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Importance of comedy movies in our life and how we should appreciate the makers and cast for their hardwork in making our life better with humour and laughter.

The challenge of making people laugh is not a trivial job. If you ask any actor from Robin Williams to Johnny Lever to Venu Madhav, be it Hollywood, Bollywood or Tollywood, you will get the similar answer on how hard and challenging it is to act in a comedy movie. Who doesn't like a little laughter in their life to get away from the chaos and stress of life even for just awhile? Comedy since history has done a great job in relieving the stress of people. During World War 2, comedy movies were a way for people to release their anxiety and hardships. Some of the movies include 'The Great Dictator' and 'The Night in Rio'. Old comedy movies in India such as 'Bawarchi', 'Sholay', 'Amar,Akbar,Anthony' are still broadcasted in many Indian channels and people still have a hearty laugh during the 'jail scene' in Sholay or Amitabh Bachchan talking to mirror scene in Amar Akbar Anthony.

Comedy is one of the oldest genres in film industry. In the starting of this new genre, silent movies were very popular. Hitherti Charlie Chaplin's silent movies are appreciated by a large audience. After a decade when sound were used in movies, anti-sexist comedy films became very popular. There kind of movies would mostly portray a smart woman fighting against sexism at both work and home with the elements of humour. These were called 'Screwball Comedies'. Then came the farcical film which exaggerated situations far from reality in order to make it entertaining and amusing. Steadily, many varieties inside the basic comedic genre started evolving over time. Bathroom comedy became very eminent which showcased vulgar and sensual humor. Slapstick category of comedy was another popular genre. It focussed on noisy, energetic and cheerful characters with whimsical situations in between. Examples of farce comedy are 'Kind Hearts', ' A fish called Wanda', 'Sholay', with many others. One of the most famous type of comedy in today's era is 'Dark Comedy' or 'Black Conedy'. It is satirical comedy focussing on the dark side of society such as suicide, murder,mental health, death etc. Examples are 'Jojo Rabbit', 'The Dictator', 'Dr Strangelove', 'Tamasha', etc. Then there are Romantic Comedies, popularly known as rom-coms. 'When Harry met Sally', 'To all the boys I've loved before', 'Friends with Benefits', ' Clueless', 'My Best Friend's Wedding', are some eminent and venerable movies famous among teenagers. Comedy movies are celebrated throughout the world. There are now different genres using comedy as their sub genre. These includes ' Action Comedy' which is a mixture of action with a pinch to lot of whimsical moments. Kung Fu Panda, Avengers, Spiderman, Zindagi Na Mileagi Doobara are some of the movies which falls under this genre. Then there is Comedy Mystery like crime comedy. There is also fantasy comedy and horror comedy, which is very popular among young generations. Others include Scientific fiction comedy, Sports comedy and War comedy. War comedies are mostly satirical in nature focussing on atrocities and aftermath of war.

Comedy is a very unique and special genre. Especially during this pandemic we need a little joy and laughter in our life. It is scientifically proven comedy is good for our heart, while other serious genres can cause us stress which can lead to anxiety and a person can end up feeling worse about their life. Comedy in India is a serious business with 40% and more comedy movies being released a year. 

Writing comedy is not a piece of cake. Indact,it is regarded as one of the hardest jobs. We've heard about comedy writers going insane,right? To put the script into action especially in comedy genre is next level of hardship. Sometimes a dialogue may not come out as comical as expected or the protagonist may not be able to make a particular scene as amusing as it should be. To make the audience laugh is one of the hardest task. That's why there are many clichés and cringe comedy movies lined up. A director has to be extremely cautious and wary while choosing the cast for a comedic role. Their cast has to givw their 100% in making the character come alive and most importantly amusing. The costumes,the backgrounds and sounds have to be perfect. There are lot of people involved in making a movie with lot of determination and hardwork.

We as a audience are very quick in criticising a movie be it any genre- action, comedy, thriller,horror or romance. It's not all bad to criticize a work of art, in fact criticisms are very important to progress further. But we shouldn't be so harsh on the makers. They have put their sweat, soul and blood in their work. It's just a mere luck if there're successful or not. Trolling the cast and the makers can hamper their self confidence and can lead to mental breakdown. Especially in the world media, trolling has become a new normal. People need to understand that those who work in industry are also humans. For comedy writers especially it's very hard to get employed. With lot of connections and an extraordinary humour skill can lead a person to be a renowned comedy writer. They have to build their own trajectory which is filled with lots of hurdles.

So how can we learn to appreciate a comedy film? First step is to focus deeply on the movie. If we are distracted eating popcorn or checking oue phone's notifications we may miss the punchline. Then we will blame the movie for being boring when it's merely our fault. Second is to focus on every corner of the box meaning to watch carefully every little scene which leads to another scene,the connection between the scenes and lines. This is how we learn if a particular movie is top-notch or not.

These are the few tips you should keep in mind and which you can imply when you watch your next comedy movies. 

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