Tips to improve your handwriting

코멘트 · 737 견해

Here are a few tips to improve your handwriting

There is artistry in something as simple as handwriting. There are many strategies and techniques to improve your handwriting, the secret is simple: PRACTICE! Practice indeed makes perfect, if you want to notice visible changes in your handwriting, it is important for you to consistently practice you handwriting, be it digitally or on paper. A little practice everyday can help you get better, no doubts about that.

Here are a few tips that can help you improve your handwriting:

  1. Maintain a good, relaxed grip : There are different ways that people hold their writing equipments, you can find the grip that you find the most comfortable. Ensure that none of your muscles are extremely flexed. If your writing grip is uncomfortable, it will leave you with an achy hand. So make sure to check your grip every few minutes.
  2. Examine your handwriting : Write a paragraph, do not try to make it perfect. Now, sit back and observe what you have written, what part is it exactly that you would want to work on? Observe the curves, loops, corners and the shapes. Also observe the alignment, the padding, the margin. Pay attention to the pressure, ink flow etc. Decide what part of it you want to improve the most so that you have a clear idea of what you want to improve the most.
  3. Get inspired : The internet is indeed your best friend, sift through typography websites and get some inspiration! This will not only motivate you to get started, but will also help you understant what your handwriting style is. You can come back and visit these sites every now and then when you're looking for inspiration.
  4. Practice using worksheets : Just to get a nice warmup, you can download a few worksheets and practice writing. This can help you write clearly and confidently. The more you do these worksheets, the better you'll get. Worksheets help you get better at your slants, curves etc. A paper should always have another piece of paper under it. For some reason, the slightly softer surface makes it easier for all pens to write!
  5. Doodle : Doodling is a very fun way to practice your handwriting, it helps you to get a better grip on your writing equipment, pen pressure etc. Doodling is actually helpful because it helps in mind-eye coordination. The best part is that it is a very fun activity, and helpful too!
  6. Write big letters  : This makes it easier for you to see your handwriting, it will be easier to see mistakes and helps you correct them accordingly.
  7. Do not apply too much pressure : Applying too much pressure not only makes your wrist hurt but also makes your handwriting look different and less aesthetically pleasing.
  8. Practice everyday : Practicing your handwriting is similar to practicing an instrument or almost any other skill, you will have to practice it everyday to get better. Set aside some time everyday to practice, make it consistent. You can make your practice sessions fun by maintaining a Bullet Journal, try to update your bullet journal everyday, this way you'd be improving your handwriting as well as organizing your time in the bullet journal! You could also write a letter to a friend or relative, writing it in your own handwriting will make it more personal and fun!
  9. Practice ideas : Here are some suggestions for handwriting practice :
    • Quotes: in your bullet journal, you could start a collection of quotes that inspire you the most.
    • Song lyrics: you could also add another collection of song lyrics from your playlist, or song you love to jam to.
    • Completing forms: the next time you're filling out a form somewhere use this as an opportunity to practice your handwriting! Fill it out as neatly as possible.
    • Handwriting worksheets : as mentioned earlier in this article, these sheets help you write your letters clearly and confidently.
    • To-do lists : we all love making lists of the tasks want to achieve, you could practice writing these lists neatly and put your handwriting skills into practice!

Make your handwriting a part of your identity, it is a reflection of you and your personality!

