How to Boost Your Immune System Against Corona Virus

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Some basic health tips on how to treat COVID-19 at an early stage

Coronaviruses are a group of related RNA viruses that cause diseases in mammals and birds. In humans and birds, they cause respiratory tract infections that can range from mild to lethal. Mild illnesses in humans include some cases of the common cold (which is also caused by other viruses, predominantly rhinoviruses), while more lethal varieties can cause SARSMERS, and COVID-19. In cows and pigs, they cause diarrhea, while in mice they cause hepatitis and encephalomyelitis. There are as yet no vaccines or antiviral drugs to prevent or treat human coronavirus infections.

The novel corona virus which hit the world in 2019 has become a global health crisis that has killed and infected millions of people worldwide. The world has been battling with the rise of new cases while a major challenge globally has been how to develop a healthy effective vaccine that will treat the virus. Until there is a major breakthrough in developing that vaccine, there are certain steps that can be taking to boost your immune system to combat the virus.

The majority of people who are infected with coronavirus experience a mild or asymptomatic disease that can be treated at home. So if you're experiencing the tell-tale signs of the virus, what should you do to feel better?

1. Rest.

Having enough rest cannot be underemphasized in fighting preventing the infection of Covid-19. Resting boost your immune system to attack foreign bacteria viruses because high-stress levels make the human body produce stress hormones that hinder the potency of the immune system.

2. Exercise.

Regular exercise regime can also help improve your body's immune system as it helps burn off excess toxins unhealthy fats which are a recipe for several health issues. It is also important to know that having underlying health challenges can increase one's risk of getting infected with the dreaded virus. In exercising, it should be done with moderation to keep stress level low.

3. Fasting.

Abstaining from excessive feeding in a way of fasting can help to energize the immune system. One can fast on the consumption of inflammatory foods like sugar, processed meat, alcohol vegetable oil because they keep the immune system busy while it should be more focused on fighting harmful bacteria viruses. More so, it helps us to keep fit in shape.

4. Vitamins. 

Consumption of vitamins like vitamin C, vitamin D lots more will help boost your immune system. Vitamins can be found in fruits other supplements but it must also be taken in moderately to avoid abuse as too much of everything is certainly bad.

5. Healthy Juice extract.

Healthy juices or drinks made up of garlic, turmeric ginger have antiviral properties that can be helpful in fighting viruses other flu. Studies have shown that people who take garlic for example are more likely to recover from flu other viruses.

On the other hand, regular hand washing, wearing a face/nose mask maintaining physical distancing are effective in the fight against the Corona virus.
