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This article discusses about the importance of adult education.

If there is a will, there is a way. Education has no age limit and learning never ends. Gaining knowledge is important, but applying it in our practical life is quite difficult. Adult education helps the people to attain knowledge which would help them in developing their life skills also. Thus the adult education contribute a major part in developing the economic status of one country.
Adult education helps the citizens to learn new skills and also they can develop their existing skills. Every man is born with a talent or an unique skill within them. Some will find it and gradually develop it but others, may not get opportunities to discover their own capabilities. So many situations like family problems, financial status and many other issues pave the way for not getting required skill for a citizen. They cannot live out their true lives and cannot achieve their dreams. Adult education teaches the student how to put their skills and knowledge into practical use.
 Unemployment is a major threat of our country. Illiteracy leads to unemployment. It is our country’s responsibility to provide equal opportunities for everyone to gain knowledge as their wish. Equal distribution of education improves the literacy of the country as a whole.
Every citizen can explore the area of their interest if they are given proper education.Adult education is the part time education given to the 15-35 years age group people who never attempted any schooling before. Adult education is the only tool to remove illiteracy from the society.

Over the last few decades, the government of India started and promoted various programs for adult education and skill development. The main of these programs was to enhance the literacy rate of the scheduled caste, tribal society and other ignored minorities of our country. Two of the main programs which got recognized were ‘Sakshar Bharat’ scheme and the scheme to support voluntary agencies for adult education and skill development. This kind of programmes would help every citizen to gain equality and better education. Adult education also raises the standard of living and brings economic development and social transformation.

Every citizen has a lot to contribute into our country.It is our responsibility to give them chances and to bring out their hidden talents.No one is born without any skills. It is only because they are denied the opportunities. As Nelson Mandela said: “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”.Let us give them opportunity, and let’s see the world gets transforming.

