Business Etiquette Rules to Know

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This article talks about some important business etiquette rules and their importance.

Nowadays, companies have adopted to a more laid-back work culture, but this does not mean we should overlook some important business etiquette rules. Business etiquette is important because it creates a professional, respectful atmosphere and also improves communication, which helps an office become a more productive place. It also helps set higher standards for a company as a whole.

Here are a few business etiquette rules to never overlook:

  • Pay attention to names: When you meet someone for the first time, pay attention to their name so you can recognize and address them easily. Names are one of the first things that we learn about someone. When you introduce yourself, include your first and last names.If you are not sure how someone's name is pronounced, you can always ask them. Some of us are bad at remembering names, especially if we meet multiple people at a very short duration of time. You can overcome this challenge by linking their name to a character that sets them apart.

  • Avoid eating at your desk: Eating food at your desk may sometimes cause the food odour to dissipate, thus distracting your co-workers. Don't be that guy. Always eat in the breakroom. Somedays it may become difficult to find the time to leave your desk, but even if its only a few minutes, have your meal in the breakroom, give yourself a break as sitting for hours on end can have a lot of negative effects on your health.
  • Greet everyone : Every chance you get to greet someone serves as an opportunity for you to make a favourable impression of yourself to others. It is a polite gesture that can convert into a hearty conversation. Greeting helps you build a good rapport with your co-workers and contributes to a positive atmosphere in the office. Make sure to greet everyone with kindness, you never know who the people you greeted could be. Even if its a simple "Good morning!", make sure you greet. You could follow up with a compliment, this makes people think you're a friendly and approachable person.
  • Show people that you are actually listening: Give the speaker your attention and acknowledge them. Use simple gestures to show that you are interested in what they are telling you and that you're engaged in the conversation. Provide feedback and defer judgement wherever it is applicable. This lets them know that you are actually listening to them.
  • Introduce others : There may come plenty of situations when things get a little awkward when you're with a friend and happen to strike up a conversation with another friend who is previously known to you and not the other friend of yours. Make an effort to introduce them to each other.
  • Be polite and professional: Keep all kinds of interaction professional, be it a quick telephone conversation or an elaborate email. Keep the messages concise and relevant. Handle conflicts and difficult situation with diplomacy.Don't just hear and wait for your chance to talk, actually make an effort to listen.
  • Don't just walk into someone's office: Don't turn up into someone's office unannounced. Be polite and ask if they have time for you to come in. You could simply just ask if they're busy at the moment. It would also be a great idea to send them an email in advance asking them if they can spare a few minutes for a discusson.
  • Be punctual: Being punctual not only reveals your integrity but also strengthens their trust in you. It shows that you are a dependable personand builds your self-confidence. It shows your discipline and reveals your humility. Arriving about 5 to 10 minutes before your appointment is ideal. If you realize that you're running late, let them know as soon as possible.
  • Don't forget your table manners: Dining etiquette is just as important as any other form of etiquette. Make sure tou don't place your elbows on the table, also make sure you're not talking with your mouth full and don't chew your food noisily.
  • You should also be aware of other dining etiquette: In business lunches and meetings, you'll sometimes have to talk business, ofcourse. So stay away from food that is too messy or difficult to eat. Wait till your host begins to eat. Never let your silverware touch the table, they should always remain on your plate. Good table manners are essential to help form a good impression of yourself.
  • Put your phone away: While working, it can be very distracting to see the notifications on your phone go off. It affects your train of thought and hampers your productivity. You could avoid this distraction by keeping your phone in your desk drawer and only checking it occasionally. You could also keep it in 'do not disturb' mode or download apps that restrict your usage of certain websites and apps.