Interesting facts about Amazon

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This article talks about some interesting facts about Amazon

Amazon is making some of the most expensive company acquisitions in a lot of industries. is one of the largest retailers in the world. Though it has never manufactured a single, physical product, Amazon has turned out to be extremely successful; . Amazon focuses on selection, price, quality and convenience to make customers’ lives easier and better. Every transaction occurs through a website. It’s been an incredible journey. 

Here are a few facts about Amazon you probably did not know:

  • Jeff Bezos was an excellent student as a young man. He served as his high school’s valedictorian and was also a National Merit Scholar. Bezos later went on to study at Princeton, graduating in 1986 with Bachelor of Science degrees in computer science and electrical engineering.
  • Amazon’s unique logo shows a smile from A to Z. This is to signify that “the company is willing to deliver everything to everyone, anywhere in the world.” (Business Insider)
  • Bezos initially wanted to call his company Cadabra (as in ‘Abracadabra,’) but thought it wasn't a great idea after someone misheard it as ‘cadaver.’ 
  • Amazon was founded as a book retailer out of Bezos’ garage in Bellevue, Washington. To handle all of the mail the company received, Bezos installed an oversized mailbox. The oversized mailbox Bezos put in can still be seen outside that house till this day.
  • Earlier, when it sold only books, a bell would ring in the office every time someone made a purchase from Amazon.
  • The employees of spend two days every two years working at the customer service desk so that they understand the customer service process.
  • A lot of former Amazon employees have gone on to find companies of their own such as Hulu, Vessel, Quora etc.
  • Amazon has more than 117,000 employees all over the world.
  • The first ever book Amazon sold was called Fluid Concepts and Creative Analogies by Doug Hofstadte. This book, which explores the mechanisms of intelligence through computer modelling, was sold on April 3, 1995.
  • Amazon’s fulfillment center in Arizona, is 1.2 million square feet i.e the size of 28 football fields. 
  • Amazon owns a fleet of about 15,000 robots.
  • Bezos’ parents took out $300,000 from their retirement savings to invest in their their son’s  new internet startup. Today Amazon has revenues exceeding $177 billion dollars!
  • While running Amazon out of Jeff's garage, the company’s computer servers took up so much power that Bezos and his wife couldn’t even plug in a hair dryer in their house without risking blowing a fuse!
  • Within Amazon's first month, they had sold a book to people in almost all 50 US states and in 45 different countries.
  • Amazon’s Kindle, the e-reader that permits users to electronically read books, newspapers, and other digital media, was originally going to be named “Fiona.” 
  • Amazon has made Jeff Bezos the richest man in the world, with a net worth topping at around $125 billion. As a result of such wealth, Bezos can buy practically anything he wants and often invests in a lot of projects.