Reasons to fly solo

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Traveling solo is challenging but what is life without a little bit of excitement and experiences. Trip where you take charge of your day and focus on yourself


So many articles on the internet about various topics but this particular one by   has my heart.

The structure and the choice of words in this article were so open and simple as you start reading you get so engrossed in it.

Kiersten Rich (The Blonde Abroad) in this article writes about why all women should travel solo. Even though it sounds challenging and intimidating, Rich explains that it actually is not a bad idea.

Traveling as a woman especially alone gives me the creeps, like how will the crowd be? Or can I explore the street alone? Or will the cab driver take me to the right destination? And I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who has these thoughts. But it’s not all bad. Solo travel doesn’t really mean alone or lonely, it’s spending time with yourself and feeling free.

Rich says that traveling solo is empowering, enjoyable, and overall a great experience, and I totally agree. I mean think about it, having your own freedom. Eating pizza all by myself? I’m in!

Traveling with friends or family is fun, you live every moment with your favorite people, but when you vacation with friends you have everything planned, and there may be things that interest you and not them. Traveling solo can be immensely empowering, the confidence in planning your entire trip. You are forced to live independently make your own choices like meeting new people, waking up when you want, and not being guilty about it or eating everything that pleases your taste buds. Traveling solo makes you see the whole world differently. You build confidence, you start to see things from a different perspective. Stepping out of your comfort zone just makes you learn about who you are as a human being.

You may not realize it but everyone needs time away from this whole chaotic world, where you have quality time with yourself. You have a space to segregate your thoughts or show yourself a little more love and care.

Solo trips are fun and life-changing we learn so much from it. It's a whole different experience and the movie 'Queen' by Vikas Bahl, has proved it that solo trips are life-changing. This is not a regular movie where a woman finds her prince and all her issues are left behind. In this movie, Kangana Ranaut (Rani) played the role of a small-town Indian girl who goes on a solo trip. Away from her family, friends, and the overprotective society, she does things way out of her comfort zone, to explore the outside world and experience her identity as an independent woman. She makes new friends, lives in an apartment with three boys, and handles the multi-cultural trio really well. Rani comes across general difficulties, but that doesn’t stop her. Even after her silly touristy mistakes, she doesn’t let anything get to her, she was ready to give new things a try even if they were not her cup of tea. She tried new clothes, went shopping, danced her heart out.  Vikas Bahl’s Queen learns she has a spine after all.

Trying new stuff is risky but what is life without adventures. You don’t need a perfect destination, or a perfectly planned out day to have fun. Solo trips can be and actually are selfish and it may sound kooky but it’s true. You don’t have to compromise or adjust to how you want to spend your day, you can go spend the day at a museum or stay back in the room and read a book. Every country or city has its own flavors and touch,  there is no limitation on what you learn, these experiences have a lasting impact on your brain. A solo trip is not really solo, you meet new and amazing people from different places, who belong to a different culture or speak different languages. You may create bonds that may last longer than you think or at least you will for sure have long-lasting and wonderful memories. Once your mind is stretched to new experiences, you don’t go back to the same limited thoughts. Your ways and perspective towards things and the world changes.

Every day is different, you don’t have the same disrupted routine when you travel especially solo. You are introduced to a whole new reality, where you learn to be resourceful and discover your capabilities of doing stuff. There will be some trial and errors with your plan or some unexpected incidents, but you will loosen up and find solutions to handle them. I feel like wrong turnings lead to new discoveries. Until you don’t take risks you won’t learn what you are capable of doing.

Just the thought of planning a trip all by yourself, and going to a place where nobody knows you, feels so empowering and boosts my confidence. A place with no restrictions or expectations, where you have the freedom to control and mend your journey as you want it to be. It's about time people embrace being alone.

“Half the fun of travel is the aesthetic of lostness” – Ray Bradbury.
