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If someone is abusing, insulting, or otherwise harming you on a regular basis, it's called harassment. Cruel and usually really annoying, harassment is also illegal in some cases. Harassment is a word that describes any kind of ongoing torment. Unwelcome Behavior is the critical word



 I think every place which is filled by Sick minded people irrespective of the gender sexual harassment is present. Be it workplace, public transport or institutes. But due to law and justice and awareness about the situation, we are improving but still there is a long way to go.

Yes, Sexual Harassment is a real Problem in workforce today. We are teaching self defense to our your girls, telling people that it is a bad world and you have to protect yourself. And all of this is true and needed, But we are missing a major part and that is, building Positive Values in our people. Once this value system becomes a focus point of our education system, the world will becomes a better place and workforce will give double benefits and zero harassments.

Yes, it's the most common problem prevailing these days. You never know which person could turn on his evil mode, taking the benefit of the situation. So, we can't change the mentality of those kind of people buy we can raise our voice and take bold actions against them.

 In my opinion yes it is. Unfortunately people who lack humanity and see other person as a object to satisfy their urge are the main reason of this problem. And above that the ignorance of the people who suffer from sexual harassment and the around them who doesn't come up to support a voice against these activities is what that leads to increasing cases. We have to start it today one at time where ever possible and one day we will be able to bring a change in this society. Yes absolutely sexual harassment in workplace is a real thing and not only in workplace but harassments take place in other spheres of life too. I don’t think any girl will disagree to the fact that she would have been at least once been harassment or eve teased while growing up. So yes this is a real and a serious problem and the only way to fight it is by raising our voice. 

Yes, I feel not only in work place but we go through from this at-least once in our whole life like in public places, school ,colleges etc. Day by day this problems is getting worse. I just request girls to raise their voices and make yourself strong and just stopped staying quite in front of the devils present in our daily life. So it's time to change our morals and have to proof that a girl in your, office, college, or standing at a public places is not your property. Yes definitely sexual harassment has been a growing and most challenging problem in the society today.

"Beauty provokes harassment, the law says but, It looks through men's eyes when deciding what provokes it" We all need to Work towards changing the mindset of people, people feel if a girl is beautiful and free minded then it means she is a criminal and deserves whatever happens with her, thought things are changing now there are people who are humans and know what humanity is but still at the workplaces in all the fields the ratio of women is very less and this needs to be changed to grow and develop as a better country and more importantly as a better world.

Yes, I think sexual harassment is not just a problem in working sector but also in each and every part of the world. Likewise females, males are sexual harassed. Sexual harassment not only have an awful physical impact on people but also a terrific mental effect. Even children are abused sexually, because of which their childhood is snatched away from them .giving them bitter memories. I think it's the time, that government should implement strict punishment against sexual harassment, which will not only make our present safe, but also built a safe tomorrow, for our future generations.

In my thinking sexual harassment is real and exists not only in workforce area but in the overall society. And according to me this often has been a big nuisance in ones dream, especially for girls which is so petrifying. Sometimes when women come forward about sexual harassment, they're easily judged by several people but I think being in a society where everything is uncertain we should stand by each other and spread positivity. It won't stop until and unless we raise our voices contrary to those sinners and urge to the government for the hardest punishments against these butchers. Yes I think sexual harassment is a real problem in the work force today it is an issue that affects all the people at work place many who experience it suffer physically and psychologically. Many are forced to quit their jobs so it is not a real problem only to the sufferer but for others in the surroundings too.

Sexual harassment is definitely the biggest problem one can face weather its a workplace or a public face. Free from gender bias it can affect a human being not only physically but mentally as well, it cam scar them for life thus we should always be aware not only for ourselves but also for the people around us. Weather its a workplace or a public place if u see someone going through it stand up for them your little help can do wonders for someone, we all need to help each other. I think that sexual harassment is one of the heinous crime. I would say that sexual harassment is not only limited in workforce, it can happen anywhere and it happens. It depends on the poor mentality of that inhuman person. There're some people present in every sector who thinks that whatever they want they'll get if they offer a job, but it effects the employee and their family (especially girl's) very badly, and they can’t speak or open up about it just because of the fear of losing their job's or what people will think about them. But it is high time that we should speak about this thing and let them know that we're not weak. 

I firmly believe that it's been into practice since a very long time. Where women are considered as objects who needs to look glamorous at the work place for not so obvious reasons...and the most pathetic part is if they look good either they are sexually harassed and in the end are themselves accused for that or even no matter how tenaciously she is doing things but every professional advancement of hers gets directly related to the fact that she is a woman. Which is heart wrenching. Yes sexual harassment in the workplace is a problem because there is a power play involved where you cannot raise your voice against your bosses who are in a senior position and fellow employees. Victims often feel threatened to complain because they're under fear that they'll be fired, loose promotion or that the employee will make them look bad and sabotage their work if they don't give in. There needs to be a normalized open discussion about this topic and harassment cells in every office so that victims can always feel safe to reach out in order to create a Working environment where every employee feels they're looked after and protected. Yes. As women are Foraying into different fields to make an identity for themselves, there is also a growing concern about their safety and well being while they are out in the world. Sexual harassment incidents are very isolated and often women don’t speak up because they don’t want to deal with the stigma Associated with it and lose their dignity while being shamed. But I think it is important to raise a voice against any injustice because when we look the other way, nothing changes.

 Well, in my opinion, wherever a woman is sexually harassed or assaulted, it is a problem irrespective of the place where such inhumane crime is committed. Along with this, the statistical data of previous years reveal the rise of 45% in the cases of sexual harassment at the Workplace over past 3 years. So, looking at the present scenario as well as well as to find the solution for safety of women, it is a real problem. Yes absolutely sexual harassment has been a Growing and most challenging problem in the society today. And all of this is true and indeed but due to law and justice and awareness about the Situation. We are improving but still there is a long way to go. And it won't stop until and unless we raise our voices contrary to those sinners and urge to the Government for the hardest punishments and let them know that ie are not weak.
