What is Male Infertility?

Trying to start a family is an exciting time, but it can also be stressful, especially if conception isn't happening as quickly as planned. Often, the focus falls on female fertility, but what about the guys? Male infertility is a real thing, affecting roughly 7% of all men.

So, what exactly is male infertility? In short, it's the inability of a seemingly healthy male to get his partner pregnant after a year of unprotected ****. There are many reasons why this might happen, and it's not always due to a low sperm count. Here's a breakdown of the key players:

Sperm Production: The testicles are where sperm is produced in the body, and sometimes it decreases. This could mean a low sperm count (oligospermia), zero sperm (azoospermia), or sperm with abnormal shapes or movement.

Delivery Issues: Even if the sperm are tip-top, getting them where they need to go can be a challenge. Blockages in the tubes that carry sperm (vas deferens) or problems with ejaculation (retrograde ejaculation) can hinder their journey.

External Factors: Lifestyle choices can play a role too. Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and certain medications can impact sperm health. Visit:

Boosting Your Chances: Strategies for Overcoming Male Infertility

Boosting Your Chances: Strategies for Overcoming Male Infertility

Trying to build a family is a beautiful journey, but sometimes unexpected roadblocks can appear. Male infertility is one such hurdle, affect...