1. BJP fourth list of candidates
A : Fourth list of candidates for BJP.

2.Can a chief minister change a name of a city?
A : Do a chief minister have powers to change name of a city?

3. Can I apply for Bihar Polytechnic in 11th?
A: Can I apply for polytechnic during 11th in Bihar?

4. Can I become a politician and a business person at the same time in America?
A: In America, is it possible to become a politician and a business person at the same time?

5. Class 10 CBSE is novels are included in our syllabus or not
A : Are novels included in our syllabus for class 10 CBSE or not ?

6. Canada mai pubg ban h Kya
A : Pubg ban h Kya Canada mai?

7. Driver vacancy in UPSC
A : Vacancy for drivers in UPSC.

8. Can I take admission in Rgpv Bhopal in month of November?
A : Are admission given during November Rgpv Bhopal?

9. Canada mein sarvan kumar ka confirmation number Kya Hai
A : Sarvan kumar ka confirmation number Canada mein Hai Kya?

10. IAS interview questions with link
A : Link with questions for IAS interview.