6-Will 2021 iphone prices will be cut as production will start in India?
Edited-Will the Apple iphone prices decrease from the year 2021 as Apple has started manufacturing it's own iphones in India?
7-Can a poor farmer use recurring bank account for his daughters higher education?
Edited- Can a poor farmer use his recurring bank account for his daughter's higher education?
8-Can I get MBBS seat in any govt or private college in Telangana and can I get in BDS seat for 350?
Edited- Will I get an MBBS or BDS seat in any government or private college in Telangana with a score of 350 in NEET-UG?
9-Date of the first patient of coronavirus in Jodhpur
Edited- When did the first case for COVID 19 emerge in Jodhpur?
10-Essay on importance of mobile during COVID 19
Edited-An essay on the importance of mobile phones during COVID 19.