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Having difficulty in learning or clearing any exam? Here is the solution.

How many times do you come across a mind that you think is so bright that you start wondering what could he be possibly doing to achieve whatever he has today? What could be the possible habits that he might have adopted that makes him a different and better person than others? What are his ways for better learning? For each and every time we come across a person who is more capable than us or with a better calibre we all wonder such things. A person who has the hunger to achieve something or to learn something will torture himself with such questions day and night.

People struggle to make themselves better than their current version. They try to adopt new strategies and techniques to enhance their learning. But they don’t always get success even after following these techniques. Reasons for all their failures can be many and may vary from person to person.



Factors affecting our learning and our results, can be different for each person. Two broad categories in which we can incorporate our failures or lessons: internal and external factors.

The category of internal factors will include our own mindset and soul. Before starting off with any change in our life (learning or any personality improvement changes) we should prepare our minds and soul for the same. Creating a schedule is not a big task, but following it is! So we should prepare our minds for the journey we are going to embark upon.

The next category is external factors, in this category we have the factors or reasons that all of us mostly use i.e., searching faults and glitches in the coaching centres, in books and study materials, in teachers, blaming it on their families and friends. Remember, you can get all the coaching in the world to master a particular subject unless study-blueprint isn’t set to make you a topper, you are damned. It can also be due to extra-curricular activities. Physical activities, exercises, and workouts are also essential for the growth of the mind. A healthy body leads to a healthy mind. But excessive activities can lead to your time being wasted.

It is a fusion of internal (the Mind and Body power) and external ( Techniques Strategies to Score High) powers to produce the results that make even an average student a topper. It is not the activities we are not doing that stop us from achieving our goals, it is the activities we do everyday, which we are not supposed to do, that stop us from being successful.


Blueprint Strategy

The blueprints in our minds are like the software in the computer, they both get programmed by our parents, siblings, relatives, teachers, friends, religious leaders, authority figures and media. These are the factors affecting a student’s belief system if this belief system is outdated, upgrade your system with the latest version. Whatever results we produce are because of our belief/thinking system.  

Our tradition and culture also play a major role. For example, a student born in a typical business family would have a totally different blueprint for studies compared to a student coming from a well-educated and working-class family.


Common Obstacles

The problems faced by most of the students are very similar in nature. These obstacles to their studying approach can be ruled out if anticipated in the nick of the time. 

Negativity is the most common setback to a person in any sphere. Surrounding yourself with negative people and things will certainly affect your thought process and eventually your learning and results.  Results produced in life are because of the thinking  one has and when we change our thinking patterns at the subconscious level, the results we produce also get changed. So first rule out the source of negativity. 

Have you ever heard of the popular Hindi phrase? “Keechad me hi Gulaab khilta hai.” It means lotus (which is also our national flower) blooms in swamps. Nothing can affect you unless and until you really let it overpower you. You accept your habits by your own will. Environment and your company will surely affect you but if you cannot cut off these negative elements out of our life then we should just probably stop these to influence us. Build a shell around you and they will prevent negative powers to enter. Following this will eventually lead to a journey free of negativity.

The Hackers are the kind of people who always dump negativity on themselves and others. The Chickens are thrones who accept these and nod their head in agreement to whatever they hear. Don't be either of them if you want success in your life. There will be a middle path that you have to follow where you have to protect yourself from all the pessimism in your way and be optimistic about your goal and also preach optimism to others. See good in the world around you!

The next obstacle can be the past experiences. If you are stuck to one technique and not able to yield any results that's maybe because that technique is inappropriate. It can be obsolete. What you need to do is to upgrade to the latest version.

 A topper will negate these possibilities.


Is “being genius” genetic?

We see generations of families cracking top ranks in the most difficult exams or doing well in whatever career they choose. Is it a genetic thing we ask? Every human being on this earth shares the same neurology and if one person can do it, anybody can learn to do it. We have enough evidence today that genetics can also be influenced with the power of our intentions. 

Environment influences our behaviour (that we know already). Family, parents and siblings all play a key role in one’s grooming their personality. Therefore, a family full of intellectuals will be discussing current affairs, news and interesting facts on their breakfast table. That becomes deep rooted to one’s personality if exposed to such intelligent culture. And one will certainly grow in such an environment. Success will come easily to such a person. On the contrary, a family struggling to make the ends meet will impact the student’s life and therefore, he/she would have to struggle a lot to work it up. 

The probability of a topper who has an intellectual background will be more than one coming from a turbulent background.


Patterned Study

For the students who have given various exams of various universities, colleges, schools, government jobs and others, would have noticed one common thing in all of them i.e., the pattern of every exam is different. What you have to do is encrypt/decode this pattern. After doing so, what you will study is called “smart study”. It will give you the most possible questions and topics that are likely to be asked in that particular exam. Toppers’ follow this technique for each of their exams.
