HIV symptoms and treatment.

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All about HIV symptoms and treatment.

Vegetarianism could be the answer for HIV


Hunting of chimpanzees came with adverse effects for humankind. Hunted for

their meat, consuming it led to the advent of HIV in humans and it continued

spreading from thereon.


First human affected by HIV chances are there had unsafe sex with another

person and passing on the virus to one, then to another person and this way

the cycle going on till now.


HIV is one of the most dreadful of diseases globally if left unattended leads to

AIDS in patients.


There are cases of HIV-AIDS heard globally which mean spread of the virus

going on and negligence adopted towards it leading to AIDS.


What all are the causes of HIV?


Unsafe sex: sex out of the ordinary, normal etc


Sex without protection


Use of unsafe, non-sterilised syringes leading to HIV


Blood transfusion without doing its thorough check can lead to HIV in the

person the blood is transmitted into


What are the symptoms of HIV?


Fall in immunity level: someone suffering from HIV may experience a fall in

one’s immunity, which means the body catches an illness easily.


Even a simple cough and cold not going away may pinpoint at something

wrong with the body. Normally, common cough-and-colds go away within a

few days medicated through simple home remedies.


A HIV-infected person catching a cough and cold may need a visit to the doctor

and one’s prescribed medicines for the purpose.


Is immunity of a body associated with its healing power? A HIV-affected person

getting hurt could take one’s wound a longer time to heal compared to a

healthy person. In some cases, again the treatment for the wound requires

medical intervention in high intensities.


Immunity affected of a HIV person pinpoints at problems with production of

red blood cells in one’s body.


In scarcity, shortage of red blood cells in the body a person can only experience

deterioration in one’s health.


Fall in energy levels




Low immunity level of a HIV person putting one’s organs in danger is the stage

where we can say HIV started to take the shape of AIDS in one.


What are the HIV symptoms in men and women?


Whether a man or a woman struck by HIV may feel odd, men and women out

in a crowd. Feeling depressed or suffering from depression for no substantial

reason. Depression strikes even before an illness strikes and HIV in the body is

no exception.


Then men and women may experience downfall in energy levels to go about

their normal day-to-day functioning.


Getting tired very easily comes with heart rate going up all of a sudden,

breathlessness and other problems related to reflexes and other body signs.


Is it in the diet - HIV?


As we have already discussed at the starting of this write up - consumption of

meat of the chimpanzees leading to HIV in human beings. From where did HIV

enter the bodies of the chimpanzees? Vegetarian in their food habits and

choices the chimpanzees eating their meat leading to HIV in a human being

hints towards chances of HIV higher in people eating non-vegetarian compared

to those following vegetarian or vegan diets.


A man or a woman eating vegetarian food is safer towards HIV compared to

those belonging to the groups having non-vegetarian foods.


What does HIV treatment include?


It becomes important for someone HIV stricken to enhance the production of

red blood cells in one in whose absence or should say in their lack the virus had

affected one at the very first place.


Red blood cells or the blood affected in a HIV body hampering in the supply of

oxygen to body organs, parts. So, for someone suffering from HIV it may

become necessary to provide one’s body with oxygen supplied to it from the

outside medically at regular intervals.


A human body starting to suffer from HIV it becomes important to take these



Complete body check up to check up on the organs, their condition. Blood

check up and other precautions which need to be taken.


Someone suffering from HIV in its treatment can also take the help of Magicine

Pharma, a well-known name dealing with HIV medications.


Tenofovir is a tablet for those with HIV. Tenofovir may help towards

controlling HIV, its effects in the body. Is not an over the counter medicine,

tenofovir 300 mg requires prescription from a doctor for those with HIV. Can

have side effects in the body and is advised to keep Tenofovir out of the reach

of children and is warned against pregnant or lactating mothers. Tenofovir

needs to be consumed with water. Tenofovir is not to be crushed, chewed

when consuming it. For more information on tenofovir 300 mg contact

Magicine Pharma for its price and other details.
