3+ Time Management Techniques for Writing a Quality Dissertation

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A dissertation is a crucial step in obtaining a successful PhD degree, but the writing process can be overwhelming. Students often seek dissertation writing help to ease their academic burden. Time management skills are crucial for completing work on time and saving time for evaluation and final changes.

A dissertation is a green flag that leads to a successful PhD degree. It is a crucial step that helps defend your research work. But it is overwhelming to complete the writing process, as sometimes it takes six months to a year to submit it.Thus, students always seek dissertation writing helpto ease their academic burden. Also, during its completion, you will have to jump many hurdles and tackle several problems. One such problem is the lack of adequate time management skills.Why is time management so important? It is because it assists in completing work on time and saving ample time for evaluation and final changes. In this article, you will learn some of the most effective time management methods and how to implement them.

Few Methods to Save Time, Yet Draft an Excellent Dissertation

Are you looking for solutions to overcome procrastination and laziness? Then you are at the right place because the techniques described below will help you enhance productivity. So, read further and take notes to grasp everything!

1. Pomodoro Technique

Francesco Cirillo, a famous entrepreneur and author, founded the Pomodoro Technique. It emphasises breaking down the tasks into small intervals and, in return, enhancing productivity. Experts indissertation help UKrecommend this technique to improve efficiency.

Steps to Implement the Pomodoro Technique in a Dissertation

Classify the tasks into three sections: research, drafting, and editing.

Divide them further; for instance, the writing part will break into the introduction, abstract, literature review, etc.

Now assign a time interval for each task. It can be like, estimating 1 hour and 30 minutes to draft the introduction.

Set the timer and turn off distractions. When the alarm sounds, take a 5-minute break and later continue your work.

After completing 34 intervals, take one long break for 30 minutes.

Thus, using these techniques, you can focus on your work and put in 100% effort. If you face multiple problems and are stuck while researching or writing, seekdissertation helpto resolve them.

2. Pareto Analysis

Vilfredo Pareto, an Italian economist invented this technique, and is also known as the 80/20 rule. He says 80% of the results (output) are the results of 20% actions (input). Thus, this techniquehelpwith writing a dissertationas it teaches PhD scholars to complete crucial tasks first.

Steps to Implement Pareto Analysis in a Dissertation

Make a list of tasks you complete in a day on a piece of paper.

Circle those that aid in finishing the dissertation.

Eliminate those that do not generate strong outcomes.

Now, after excluding the extra tasks, rewrite the ones that are remaining.

The activities mentioned in the new paper, especially the ones circled, are the ones that need 100% effort.

According to Dissertation writing services UK, Pareto analysis assists students that strike out distractions and focus on vital activities. But do not eliminate your eating and sleeping times.

3. Eisenhower Matrix

Dwight Eisenhower, the former US president, served as an Allied forces commander in the army during the Second World War. He struggled his way through tough situations, and thats when the urgent-important-matrix was found. Read further and learn it if you needhelp with dissertationto manage time.

Steps to Implement the Eisenhower Matrix in a Dissertation

This method divides tasks into four sections: Do, Delegate, decide, and Delete.

In the Do section, write down the activities that are both urgent and important. For instance, you have a tight deadline to submit a dissertation proposal.

Next, note down the work that is urgent but not important to the delegate. Like buying tools and equipment for research.

In the third section, write down the tasks that are important but not urgent. For example, meeting with family, exercising, etc.

Lastly, note down the tasks that are neither important nor urgent in the delete section. For instance, social media, gaming, etc.

Now the tasks which are in the do, complete them as soon as possible and assign tasks in the delegate to someone. Moreover, start the activities in the decide section after completing the other two. Lastly, anything in the delete box is ignored.

Thus, this matrix will help you to complete your to-do list easily. Read further and learn the last but not least time management technique.

4. Pickle Jar Theory

It is also known as the bucket of rocks or jar of life theory. Developed by Jeremy Wright, who states that time is a finite space with limits. Moreover, this is one of the easiest methods of time management and helps to sort out the daily routine tasks.

Steps to Implement Pickle-Jar Theory

Your student life is represented as a pickle jar, where the sand is at the bottom, the pebbles are in between, and the rocks are at the top.

Jeremy Wright says that the sand is the distraction in your day. Like social media, phone calls, and emails. Students need to invest the minimum amount of time possible in such activities.

The Pebbles represent the activities that are important but can be done by someone else or on another day. For instance, if you don't have much time, you can seek thebest dissertation writing helpavailable for editing and reviewing the papers.

Lastly, rocks resemble high-priority and important tasks. These activities need to be done on the same day or in the next few days. For instance, if you have an urgent deadline, you will have to complete the research in two days.

Thus, classify the tasks and estimate time accordingly. The pickle jar theory is proven 100%.

efficient for students who deal with procrastination. Also, if you have multiple tasks in hand, takedissertation help onlineto ease the process.


As you all know, a dissertation is the longest and most complex academic submission students are assigned. Thus, with proper time management techniques, it is easy to speed up the process and deliver quality papers on time. All the above-mentioned techniques emphasise completing high-priority tasks and excluding distractions. Therefore, put 100% effort into research, drafting, and editing and include quality information in the write-up. Lastly, seekdissertation writing helpto overcome any problems and issues.
