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How can exercise help in the treatment of obesity


In general terms, obesity is considered as being very overweight and having body mass index (BMI) high. Obesity comes with full package of overall health issue apart from weight gain. It risks the health by inviting diabetes and health related issues.

One of the important aims for the treatment for obesity is weight loss. Exercise here plays crucial role of any weight loss program and should become permanent part of your lifestyle as it provides several benefits to your overall physical and mental health. Obesity does not only impacts physically but also increase the chances of mental health issues.

Apart from lessening weight by increasing calorie consumption, exercise also improves

Several benefits of exercises can be burning off calories and losing weight by maintaining muscle tone and increasing one’s metabolic rate and circulation in body. The heart and lung function also somehow improve due to regular exercise which in return improves one’s ability to concentrate and level of stress. Exercise plays an important role to improve glucose metabolism and reduction of fasting blood glucose and improving glucose tolerance.

We should consider that cessation of exercise can lead to increases in intra-abdominal fat within weeks or months.
