Another solution is a broader flair system, but people browsing reddit via specific

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A directory thread may work, but honestly, in New Horizons Items my opinion with a huge list of megathreads is a little messy/unintuitive.

Another thing with megathreads that rely on pictures, there is no way to comment pictures at this moment, so the consumer would have to upload the images offsite themselves and post it. Which can be a massive hassle.

Can codes and questions be united? People already place their codes from the questions thread despite the rules anyway. Or make the codes thread its own daily/weekly scheduled article with the other ones and keep the questions ribbon. I think those threads are fine and all, but the simple fact that they take precedence over important news or events is weird.

I mean it's your choice. Do you want more rules and to have to monitor the subreddit more? Or do you want to leave it as is and continue to risk that the hostility in the comments on the more contentious posts like the museum + edited pics posts, which would likewise have to be tracked more?

Or do you need users to get the expectation that everything they want can be found in certain threads on a certain program? I think that it works out nicely for another subreddits that do it. And honestly, to me, setting up automod to run the threads and then simply monitoring the lower quantity of posts sounds like much less work.

Regardless of the fluffy nature of the game, this community can be unbelievably rabid when something they do not like gets posted. I report these things as I view them, but I see the poisonous posters continue to post here and wonder if it even does any good. Like I reported somebody who had been all over a thread telling people to eff off and stuff a few weeks ago and they had been posting the next day just like nothing had occurred. You can't ever make those kinds of people/situations go away, but you can attempt to lessen the chance of these occurring by structuring rules and things around them more clearly.

Another solution is a broader flair system, but people browsing reddit via specific means do not even see flair unless they expressly enable it so you'd need to accept that has been flawed from the get-go.

Ultimately I do not think any specific subjects or articles in this sub have to be prohibited. I believe they will need to be ordered in buy Animal Crossing Items a manner that users that do not need to see them may choose to filter them out or ignore them.
