Why Respect is the Foundation of Any Relationship

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Why Respect is the Foundation of Any Relationship


This article is about the psychology of various relationships with people during the current pandemic. It talks about family relations, friends and acquaintance and romantic relation both long distance and short distance.


Relationships. Every person has some sort of relations with other people whether it be a family relation or perhaps a friend or acquaintance or maybe even a romantic relationship. But with the current events going on, it seems that people have lost touch with others up to some extent. It may be because of social distancing norms or maybe because you or they don’t have the means to communicate because of everything shutting down. But is it enough to hinder any sort of relationship with any person because of a lack of communication?

 Foundation of Any Relationship

Well, when it comes to friends and acquaintances, the relationship will not affect that badly as long as there is some sort of communication, even if it’s minimal. If it’s close friends, then you’ll find some way or the other to communicate. But when it comes to personal relations which are close to you like family or your partner, things changes drastically. Here the communication is important because lack of communication will worry you and them more and it will impact you mentally and psychologically and eventually physically. If you somehow are not able to reach home for days because you’re stuck somewhere, then it’s natural for them to worry about you and for you to get to them as soon as possible. And if you failed to get to them as soon as possible, then the relationship is more likely to get worse. And it’s not only for you, it’s for other people too. It may impact them mentally as well.


But is the same for people who are stuck with their family or partner? According to a study from Monmouth University Polling Institute, it states that most of the relationships are unchanged and the ones that have changed, they have changed for the better. There are only a handful of cases where the relationships have changed for worse. Because they are stuck with each other, they are forced to communicate with each other and eventually help each other. Because of this communication, most of the relations are either same or better. Even though the study says staying with each other has increased the stress level marginally, the overall impact on the relationship is mostly unchanged. This proves how maintaining a good relationship with people important to you keeps it resilient even during hard times. Even with the stress and negative things are not enough to ruin a relationship.
